SERKAN ÇAYOĞLU Series and Movies - Biography, Wife, Age, Height,

 Who is Serkan Çayoğlu, Where Is He From, How Old Is He? The TV Series he starred in, the Movies, His Weight, His Zodiac Sign. A biography article containing information about his life. Who is Kerem in the series Kader Bağları?

Serkan Çayoğlu is a Turkish-German model and actor.

Serkan Çayoğlu was born on May 31, 1987 in Germany. He completed his education at the Economics Department of the University of Erlangen in Germany. Serkan Çayoğlu, who initially thought of modeling, turned to acting after a while and received professional acting training from names such as Umit Çırak and Dolunay Soysert.

First, in 2012, he played Merve Boluğur's friend Rafael from Italy in the season finale of the TV series Kuzey Güney, and then he appeared as Burak Altayli in the TV series Hakan Zeytin Tepesi in the TV series Beni Böyle Sev.

He also played in Hande Yener's “Ya Ya Ya” music video. in 2014, he played the role of “Ayaz Dinçer” in the TV series Kiraz Mevsimi, in which he shared the lead roles with Özge Gürel. The series made its finale in 2015. in 2016, he joined Verissimo in Italy with her boyfriend Özge Gürel, and then C'è posta Thu, one of the highest rated programs in Italy, alone. The actor later appeared in front of the camera with the character “Demir Cerrahoglu” in the Hayatımın Aşkı series. in 2018, he appeared in the role of Kaya as the lead actress in the series Börü, which was broadcast on Star TV. in 2019, he played the character “Cihangir Tepeli” in the Halka series. in 2020, he played the lead actor in the Yeni Hayat series broadcast on Kanal D as Adem. between 2021-2022, he played the role of Bereli/Ankarali/Ali Ihsan Cenkeri as the lead in the TV series Bir Zamanlar Kıbrıs/Kıbrıs: Zafere Doğru, which was broadcast on TRT 1 between Dec. in 2023, he appeared as Serkan Gursoy in the film Aaahh Belinda and as Hakan in the film Oregon. Currently, he is portraying the character of Kerem Sipahioğlu in the series Kader Bağları, which is being broadcast on FOX television channel. Ayça Kardeş is the manager of the handsome actor.

He has been married to actress Özge Gürel since July 14, 2022.

His mother is Suna Çayoğlu and his father is Ümit Çayoğlu.

He has fraternal twins (Erkan Çayoğlu) who are 6 minutes older than him.

His father Giresun is from Alucura, his mother Gümüşhane is from Şiran.

Serkan Çayoğlu is from the sign of Gemini. he is 1.88 meters tall and 99 kilograms.

At the time of writing, he has 339 thousand followers on a Facebook page opened in his name. He has 342 thousand 200 followers on his Twitter account and 4 million 600 thousand followers on his Instagram account.


2012 / Kuzey Güney - Rafael

2013-2014 / Beni Böyle Sev - Hakan

2014 / Zeytin Tepesi - Burak Altaylı

2014-2015 / Kiraz Mevsimi - Ayaz Dinçer

2016 / Hayatımın Aşkı - Demir Cerrahoğlu

2018 / Börü - Kaya Ülgen

2019 / Halka - Cihangir Tepeli

2020 / Yeni Hayat - Adem Şahin

2021-2022 / Bir Zamanlar Kıbrıs/ Kıbrıs: Zafere Doğru - Bereli / Ankaralı / Ali İhsan Cenkeri

2023 / Kader Bağları - Kerem Sipahioğlu


2023 / Aaahh Belinda – Serkan Gursoy

2023 / Oregon – Hakan


2015 / Near East University Video Music Awards - Best Debut Player of the Year (Kiraz Mevsimi)

2015 / KTU Media Awards – Best Debut Actress (Kiraz Mevsimi)

2016 / YBU Media Awards – Best Actor in a TV Series (Kiraz Mevsimi)


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