Who is Nurullah UZUNKÖK
Who is Nurullah Uzunkök? How old is he? Where is he originally from? Is he married? What's his job? A biography article containing information about his life. TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Kwai addresses. Nurullah Uzunkök is a social media phenomenon. He was born on January 5, 1990 in Ankara. He is originally from Kastamonu. He's a Capricorn. he is 1.88 tall and weighs 80 kilograms. She is single. He has lived in a marriage and has a daughter named Elif Yağmur. He became the champion of Turkey in the minors in 2007 on kick boxing at DOSAN sports club in Ankara Xinjiang. He attended primary school at Ankara Kalaba Primary School, high school at Sincan ISE High School, and university at Gazi University Faculty of Business Administration. Later on, he took lessons in various branches such as box, kickboxing, TAI kickboxing, muaytai, but he did not succeed. he worked at Engin Publishing House between Dec. 2010-2011. He worked in places such as Piramit Publishing