ENGİN ALTAN DÜZYATAN Series and Movies - Biography, Age, Height, Weight

 Who is Engin Altan Düzyatan? Where is he originally from? How old is he? Is he married? Who is his wife? TV series and movies in which he played. Height, weight, sign. A biography article containing information about his life.

Engin Altan Düzyatan, whose great-grandparents are from the Balkan Turks, was born on July 26, 1979 in Karşıyaka, Izmir. Having graduated from the Theater Department of 9 September University, the artist came to Istanbul in 2001 and started his acting career.

Koçum Benim (Orçun), Hürrem Sultan (Şehzade Beyazıd), Mühürlü Güller (Engin), Azize (Efe), Sil Baştan (Cihan), Kızlar Yurdu (Özgür), Sevgili Dünürüm (Murat), Cesaretin Var mı Aşka (Tamer), Bir Bulut Olsam (Serdar Batur), Kapalı Çarşı (Fırat Işık), Son (Halil), Yol Ayrımı (Gazeteci Murat), Cinayet (Yılmaz Seyhan), Çırağan Baskını (Poldi) and the artist who took part in the Diriliş Ertuğrul (Ertuğrul Gazi) series continues to play / portray the character of Tamer in the Çöp Adam series, which is currently being broadcast.

The artist, who appeared in the films Kalbin Zamanı, Cennet, Romantik Komedi, New York’ta Beş Minare, Bir Avuç Deniz, Anadolu Kartalları, Bu Son Olsun, Romantik Komedi 2, Bu İşte Bir Yalnızlık Var, Ve Panayır Köyden Gider, was awarded the “Best Actor” award at the “Los Angeles Movie Awards” for his performance in Bir Avuç Deniz films.

The artist, who took part in the plays Anna Karenina with Kenter Theater and Furry Mercury with DOT, directed the play Living with Tight Shoes at the Diyarbakir State Theater.

In addition, the artist was also the host of the competition program Live Money, which was broadcast on Show TV.

Engin Altan Düzyatan married Neslişah Alkoçlar in 2014 and their two children named Emir Aras and Alara were born from this marriage.

Engin Altan Düzyatan is from the sign of Leo. he is 1.85 meters tall and 75 kilograms.

At the time of writing, he has 2 million followers on his Facebook fan page, 694 thousand 500 followers on his Twitter account, and 5 million 300 thousand followers on his Instagram account.


2001 Bizim Otel

2001 Yeditepe İstanbull

2002-2004 Koçum Benim

2003 Hürrem Sultan

2003 Mühürlü Güller

2003 Alacakaranlık

2003 Kampüsistan

2004 Azize

2004 Sil Baştan

2005 Belalı Baldız

2005 Kadın Her Zaman Haklıdır

2006 Sıla

2006 Kızlar Yurdu

2007 Affedilmeyen

2007 Sevgili Dünürüm

2008 Dantel Emre

2008 Cesaretin Var Mı Aşka?

2009 Bir Bulut Olsam

2010 Kapalıçarşı

2010 1 Milyon Canlı Para Sunucu

2010 Şen Yuva

2012 Son Halil

2012-2013 Yol Ayrımı

2014 Cinayet

2014 Çırağan Baskını

2014-2019 Diriliş:Ertuğrul

2019 Kurşun

2021-2022 Barbaroslar: Akdeniz'in Kılıcı

2022 Babamın Kemanı

2022 Çöp Adam


2005 Kalbin Zamanı

2005 Beyza'nın Kadınları

2007 Cennet

2008 Mezuniyet

2008 Cin Geçidi

2010 New York'ta Beş Minare

2010 Bir Avuç Deniz

2010 Romantik Komedi

2011 Anadolu Kartalları

2012 Bu Son Olsun

2013 Romantik Komedi 2 Cem Sezgin

2013 Bu İşte Bir Yalnızlık Var

2016 Ve Panayır Köyden Gider

Theater Plays

2006 Anna Karenina

2007-2008 Kürklü Merkür

2012 Dar Ayakkabı ile Yaşamak Engin Altan Düzyatan / Kendisi Diyarbakır Devlet Tiyatrosu


Los Angeles Movie Awards - Best Actor

6. Quality Of Magazine Magazine Awards - Best Quality Actor

16. Magazinci.com Internet Media (The Best) - Male TV Series Actor of the Year

7. KTU Media Awards - Most Admired Actor

11. Makinistanbul Media, Art and Sports Awards – Best Male TV Series Actor

4. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts High School Awards - Most Successful Male Actor of the Year

3. Mersin Golden Palm Awards - Male TV Series Actor of the Year

12. Snow Film Festival Awards – Best Actor

43. Pantene Golden Butterfly Awards – Best Actor


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