Fedakar 6. watch episode! 7. episode trailer

 Fedakar series 6. Watch the Episode on Channel 7! 7. episode trailer. The new, final episode trailer. Sunday April 2, 2023.

Sunday April 2nd, the new series of Channel 7 screens Fedakar came before the audience with the sixth episode broadcast. Fedakar meets its audience on Channel 7 screens at 19:00 on the weekend.

Mehmet Uyar is writing the series, which is a Process Film produced by. Özgür Pak is sitting in the director's chair of the series. The main roles of Berkay Veli, Aybüke Yılmaz, Dogaç Meriçliler, Mihriban Er and Kahraman Sivri share the main roles in Kurban, which has a very impressive story.

Fedakar Series 6. watch the episode

6 Of the altruistic series. the episode was published. 7. The episode trailer was also shared. Here is the link and the new episode trailer where you can watch the series in one piece, full and uninterrupted.

Fedakar 6. watch the episode

Fedakar 7. Episode Trailer

Watch the trailer for the Fedakar new episode.

The new episode trailer will be added to our article as soon as it is published.

The Subject of Fedakar

The brand new series of Channel 7 screens, Fedakar, is coming to be the star of the weekends with its exciting story about the return of revenge to love. Elif, who was left motherless as a child, and the only crown prince of a rich family, Tariq's life, which was changed by a bullet, appear before the audience with Fedakar.

Tarık, who wants to take revenge on the murderer of his brother, and Elif, who cannot face the fact that her only clinging branch in life is a murderer, meets her audience with the gripping story of Altruistic. Elif, who lost her mother at a young age, is an altruistic sister who puts her arms around her brothers Sefer and Narin. While Elif is leading a life full of difficulties, she loses her younger brother Narin and only Sefer remains with her. While the two brothers are clinging to each other, Elif collapses at a moment she never expected with the claim that her brother Sefer is a murderer. The happy and peaceful life of Tarik, the sole crown prince of Karaca Holding, one of Turkey's leading companies, changes in an instant with the murder of his sister, whom he loved like his life. Tariq kidnaps Elif and holds her captive in order to catch Sefer, who has disappeared because he thinks that Sefer killed his older sister Yeşim. While Tariq swears to avenge his sister, Elif and Tariq sail into an impossible love at an unexpected moment.

Will time help to eliminate obstacles that are impossible to overcome? Will the power of love be enough to forget brotherly pain? Will Alif's mercy be able to heal Tariq's wounds? All of them and more will find answers on Channel 7 screens with Fedakar.

The recovery effort of lives changed by a bullet screens on Channel 7 at 19:00 on the weekend…

Names of Fedakar Cast

Aybüke Yılmaz, Berkay Veli, Ceren Yavuz, Mihriban Er, Yiğit Eser, Kahraman Sivri, Özgür Yelaldı, Cihangir Köse, Doğaç Meriçliler, Eda Karagedik, Ejder Özkarslıgil, Alessa Demircan, Güneş Ebrar, Emek Büyükçelik, İhsan Gül, Ceren Korkmaz, Batuhan Hantal, Hayal Garip, Beste Kaptanoğlu


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