Al Sancak 10. watch episode! Alsancak 11. episode trailer

 Alsancak 10. Watch the full episode and one piece on TRT1! Al Sancak 11. Watch the Episode Trailer. "Al Sancak" series is the last, watch the new episode. Thursday April 6th, 2023.

"Al Sancak" is broadcast every Thursday at 20.00 on TRT 1. The last 10 of the series. the episode was published. Also 11. The episode trailer was also released. So what happened in the last episode? What will happen in the new section? Who are the Al Sancak TV series actors? Here are the details...

Al Sancak 10. watch the episode

Al Sancak 10. Episode Summary

In Al Sancak, Boran attempts a dangerous action that threatens the life of the entire team, while Captain Ali will set up a big game to find his brother Sedef.

Paw Team's life is in danger!

Nadia's shooting Ali in front of the entire team will undoubtedly cause her credibility to be questioned by the team. On the other hand, Boran, who has not yet closed his account with the Claw Team, will once again threaten the life of the entire team and even attempt a big enough action to kill them all in front of Nadia. Will Nadia be able to stop Boran's action?

Boran's new target is Nadia!

Boran, who received an order from Thomas to kill Mithat Sargon and his entire team, killed Mithat, and it was Nadia's turn. Will Nadia be able to get rid of Boran?

Captain Ali sets up a big game to save his brother Sedef…

When Captain Ali learns that Sedef has been kidnapped, he will mobilize to find his brother and will face a surprise move. Ali, who promised his mother that he would save Sedef safely, will not hesitate to risk his life to keep this promise and will set up a big game. Moreover, in this game he will be accompanied by an unexpected player. Sedef, on the other hand, will take a big risk to save both Cihangir's daughter and his own life.

All balances are being turned upside down

While all this is happening, a mysterious name that Thomas will meet will upset all the balances. Even this name is the one who will decide the fate of Nadia, who is the last survivor of Mithat's team. Nadia, who goes to meet this person, will encounter such a surprise that she will have to question all the truths she knows, and her already chaotic world will become even more blurred.

The name of the informant in exchange for the life of Sedef!

Boran, on the other hand, will ask Ali for the name of the informant in exchange for Sedef's life. Ali, who has to give the name of the informant to Boran, will take a big risk together with Sacit General. So how will the balances change at the end of this risky move?

Al Sancak 10. Click Here To Watch the Full Episode

Al Sancak 11. Episode Trailer

The new promotional trailer of the Al Sancak series will be added to our article as soon as it is published.

Al Sancak 11. the episode fragman has been published!

Al Sancak TV Series Cast Full List

Uğur Güneş - Piyade Yüzbaşı Ali Banazlı
Gülsim Ali - Nadia Ivanov
İdris Nebi Taşkan - Deniz Piyade Teğmen Aras Güneri
Ahmet Yenilmez - Çelebi
Gözde Türker - Aslı Yüzbaşı
Ahmet Olgun Sünear - Piyade Uzman Çavuş Selçuk Türker
Emre Dinler - Piyade Yüzbaşı Cengiz Uslu
Eslem Akar - Sedef Banazlı
Tezhan Tezcan - Piyade Astsubay Kıdemli Başçavuş İsmail Koca
Çağlar Sayın - Piyade Astsubay Üstçavuş Hüseyin Kümüş
Fatih Gühan - Piyade Astsubay Kıdemli Çavuş Süleyman Özer
Ömer Faruk Aran - Piyade Astsubay Üstçavuş Bora Cansız
Rıdvan Aybars Düzey - Deniz Piyade Yüzbaşı Selim Atakan
Murat İnce - Piyade Astsubay Başçavuş Mustafa İnal
Melih Özdoğan - Piyade Uzman Çavuş Sabri Kandemir
Sibel Aytan - Bahar
Cem Kurtoğlu - General Sacit Korkmaz
Osman Soykut - Mithat
Abidin Yerebakan - Vedat
Zeynep Koltuk - Amy


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