Watch The Last Episode of BİR KUÇÜK GÜN IŞIĞI! Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 24. Watch the Episode - 25. Episode Trailer

 Watch The Last Episode of Bir Küçük Gün Işığı! Watch Episode 24 - Episode 25 Trailer. The new part is the trailer.

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı, atv tv channel 24. he appeared before the audience with his section. 24. 25, right after the episode ended. the episode trailer has started to be awaited with excitement. 25. the series, which will continue with the episode, will be broadcast every Monday at 20.00. Bir Küçük Gün Işığı series has a large audience and the series is not expected to make a finale until the end of the season. The probability of the series being broadcast in the new season seems weak when looking at the ratings it has received.

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı The Last Episode

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 24. Episode Summary

The custody decision that Elif is anxiously waiting for ends up in Dila's favor. Elif and the Sun have only the last few days left to spend together. Meanwhile, Feraye asks Umran for his shares. Umran is in danger of going to prison, but he still doesn't tell Firat anything. The sun does not want to go to Dila. Alif is desperate. Dila doesn't even send her to the nursery after she gets the Sun, not even to avoid seeing Elif. Alif pushes all the boundaries to see the Sun. In the end, he decides to complain about Dila and change his statement. He will tell the truth that Dila tried to kill him in the abyss. Umran and Cemil stand behind Fırat while throwing up anger at Elif. Umran is completely cornered by Feraye's pressure on the one hand, and Cemil's pressure on the other, while he is unaware that Elif is the one who will untie this whole knot.

Watch The Last Episode of Bir Küçük Gün Işığı FULL

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 25. Episode Trailer | "You killed your mother!''

atv television channel does not allow the trailer videos of its series to be shown outside of Youtube. The trailer link is below.

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 25. WATCH THE Episode Trailer

With its heart-warming narration and heart-touching story, “Bir Küçük Gün Işığı” is on ATV on Monday evenings with its new episodes.


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