Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne Actors And Its Subject! Trailer

 Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne, series cast and subject. The cast. What channel is the new series on? When will it start?

Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne will be released exclusively on Netflix on February 24. The series was inspired by the author Perihan Mağden's book Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne.

The series is directed by Ceylan Özgün Özçelik, Gökçen Usta and Umut Aral and produced by 1441 Productions. The script of the series was adapted by Ertan Kurtuluş. 1 of the series. the season will consist of 8 episodes.

Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne, The Subject of the Series

A mysterious mother and her young daughter, who lead a fugitive life by staying in hotels, are coping with the threats they face, while the veil of mystery over their past is gradually opened.

Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne Series Actors

Melisa Sözen, September Tumbar, Musa Uzunlar, Başak Daşman, Birand Tunca, Alper Çankaya, Hakan Emre Ünal Meriç Rakalar, Emrah Kolukisa, Kublay Tunçer.

Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne Where Was The TV Series Filmed?

The series, which started shooting in Cappadocia, continued to shoot around Antakya after the completion of filming here. 

Biz Kimden Kaçıyorduk Anne Promotional Trailer


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