ADIM FARAH Topic And Cast

 although the year 2023 was dimmer than expected in the TV series sector, new series continue to be prepared. One of those shows is Adım Farah TV series. So who is in the cast of the TV series Adım Farah? What is the topic of the series?

Adım Farah Topic

Farah (Demet Özdemir) is a 28-year-old Iranian woman. 6 years ago, when she was fleeing from Iran to France, she had to stop in Istanbul because she found out that she was pregnant. He starts living here as a fugitive. Moreover, his son Karimshah (Rastin Pakhanad) has a rare disease. Since the immune system is innately very weak, Kerimshah is susceptible to diseases. That's why he has to live in a sterile environment. Although she has a medical education, Farah works illegally as a cleaner in Istanbul. Farah's goal in life is for her son Karimshah to regain his health and have a life like normal children. He will save money as soon as possible, complete his son's treatment and go back to France.

But Farah's world turns upside down overnight. He witnesses a murder committed by the mafia at a place where he goes to clean up and meets Tahir Spotless (Engin Akyurek). Farah cleans the crime scene without leaving a trace at the cost of his life. However, since he was an eyewitness to the murder, the mafia wants him to be killed, and this task is given to Tahir. Tahir is a lonely, lonely man who grew up next to the mafia leader. When it turns out that the deceased was a policeman, things become even more complicated for Farah. On the one hand, the policeman is being squeezed by Mehmet (Fırat Tanış). Tahir and Farah will also be tested by their feelings that they cannot overcome in this life-or-death stalemate.

Adım Farah Cast

Demet Özdemir, Engin Akyürek, Fırat Tanış, Senan Kara, Lale Başar, Oktay Çubuk, Mustafa Avkıran, Ali Sürmeli

Produced by: O3 Media

Producer: Saner Ayar

Directed by: Recai Karagöz

Screenplay: Deniz Dargi, M. Cem Görgeç and S. Cenk Boğatu


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