Watch ÜÇ KIZ KARDEŞ Episode 38 Trailer! Watch The Last Episode! Watch 37 Episodes 38 Episodes New Trailer

 Üç Kız Kardeş Watch the Last Episode! New Trailer. The series Üç Kız Kardeş has 37 episodes. 38 episode trailer.

The Üç Kız Kardeş series continues to be watched with interest both in Turkey and in different countries of the world. The support for the series on social media is also huge. Recently, the series 37. he appeared in front of the audience with his section. The performance of the actors was appreciated. First of all, for those who cannot watch the last episode or want to watch the replay, 37. Let's add the link to watch the episode to our article. Then let us inform you about what will happen in the new episode of the beloved series.

Üç Kız Kardeş Watch The Last Episode




Tuesday January 31st the 37th edition of Üç Kız Kardeş aired on the evening of 37. in the episode, there is a big earthquake in Somer and Türkan's marriage!

Somer, thinking that Türkan is deliberately hiding the truth about Sevilay, angrily says irreparable words. Although Türkan tries to defend himself, there is a great disappointment for Somer. The bonds of trust between the two come to the point of complete Decoupling. Nesrin goes to their house to confront Mustafa and Sevilay. When he meets Türkan at that time, Nesrin's reaction becomes harsh. Although Türkan wants to defend himself against his mother's words, Nesrin does not listen. Türkan takes blows from everyone because he continues his partnership with Sevilay. 

Preçhan goes to Nesrin to talk about the latest things. Rüçhan, who tells Nesrin that Somer has learned that Sevilay is Mustafa's mother, does not hold back from vilifying Türkan either. However, with a development thanks to Mesut, Rüçhan and Nesrin's relationship becomes pregnant with surprises. Priority and Prose, what happens happens when you change roles. 

While Türkan clings to a very good reason to get out of the darkness she is in, all of Türkan's hopes are destroyed when Somer is in the wrong time and place. Somer, who heard the heavy words that Türkan said against Rüçhan, takes a break from Türkan when he sees that his mother is crying. While Türkan wants to say that she is pregnant, she is faced with a completely different situation. 

Üç Kız Kardeş Episode 38 Trailer

What Will Happen in the New Episode of the Series Üç Kız Kardeş?

After the last episode of Üç Kız Kardeş, the trailer video for the new episode has started to be expected, but no trailer video has been released yet. Some YouTube channels share various videos containing their analysis about the series titled 38 episode trailer.


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