KIZILCIK ŞERBETİ Watch the Last Episode! Watch Episode 15 - Episode 16 Trailer

 Kızılcık Şerbeti Watch the Last Episode! Watch 15 Episodes - 16 Episode Trailer. Who are the Kızılcık Şerbeti cast? What day does the Kızılcık Şerbeti series air?

The Kızılcık Şerbeti series has recently been 15. he had met with the audience with his department. The new episode of the series, which has been watched with interest both in Turkey and in different countries of the world, is eagerly awaited. 16 Of the series. the episode will be published this Friday. What happened in the last section and what will happen in the new section, you can access the answers to these questions through our article. 

Kızılcık Şerbeti Watch The Last Episode

15 of the Kızılcık Şerbeti Series. what happened in your department?

Although Leman's mistake is revealed in a short time, this situation will set the stage for the rapprochement of Abdullah and Alev. Pink, on the other hand, persistently suggests that this misunderstanding may be real, but is forced to back down when severely warned by Kıvkım and Sönmez. The reaction of Umut's mother when she sees Nursema will cause another knot to be tied to the already fragile union of Nursema and Umut. Fatih's efforts to bring Doğa back home are continuing at full speed. He will also talk to the Spark about this, but the Spark will make it clear that he will not be involved in the incident. Although it is painful for Metehan's mother to be hospitalized with a major nervous breakdown, it is like a miracle for Omar that the divorce case, which has not been finalized for many years, has finally ended. Of course, the first person to share this happy news will be the Spark. Nilay, who sets out to prove the unity of Nursema and Hope, will finally achieve his ambition. Abdullah, Pink and Spark, who met to discuss the fate of their children, will close the night with a much bigger surprise.


Kızılcık Şerbeti Episode 16 Trailer

What will happen in the new episode of the Kızılcık Şerbeti series?

Kızılcık Şerbeti 16. The episode trailer has been released.


Kızılcık Şerbeti Cast

Barış Kılıç

(Ömer Ünal)

Evrim Alasya

(Kıvılcım Arslan)

Settar Tanrıöğen

(Abdullah Ünal)

Sıla Türkoğlu

(Doğa Korkmaz)

Sibel Taşçıoğlu

(Pembe Ünal)

Doğukan Güngör

(Fatih Ünal)

Müjde Uzman

(Alev Arslan)


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