ÜÇ KIZ KARDEŞ Watch the Last Episode! New Trailer

 Üç Kız Kardeş Watch the Last Episode! New Trailer. The series Üç Kız Kardeş has 36 episodes. 37 episode trailer.

Üç Kız Kardeş The Last Part

The Üç Kız Kardeş series continues to be watched with interest both in Turkey and in different countries of the world. The support for the series on social media is also huge. Recently, the series turned 36. he appeared in front of the audience with his section. The performance of the actors was appreciated. First of all, for those who cannot watch the last episode or want to watch the replay, 36. Let's add the link to watch the episode to our article. Then let us inform you about what will happen in the new episode of the beloved series.

Üç Kız Kardeş Watch The Last Episode



Tuesday Jan. 24, the 36th anniversary of The Üç Kız Kardeş was broadcast on the evening of January 36. in the episode, a tough revenge war begins between Rüçhan and Türkan.

Preçhan thinks that he has won a great victory over Türkan with the game he has played. Türkan also starts a war against Rüçhan, who is on Mine's side against him and also uses Somer in his game. Türkan destroys the dinner table with the crisis he is experiencing. Türkan is also standing upright against Rüçhan's games and giving him signals that he will not be defeated. The First person who sees this becomes very ambitious. Türkan tries to end his partnership with Sevilay without breaking up with Somer, but Somer is Decisively finding out who Mustafa's mother is. While Mustafa is also at home, Somer and Türkan, who come to Sevilay's house, encounter great danger. Will Somer find out that Mustafa is Sevilay's son?

The arrival of Fatih's daughter from Germany creates sadness at home on the one hand and joy on the other. A young girl has brought joy to the house despite her relentless illness, thanks to which the entire Kalender Family comes together. Dec. However, Nesrin is very worried that the Return will find out the truth. Feride, on the other hand, comforts Nesrin's heart even a little with her promise. 

While Preçhan thinks that he has won a great victory over Türkan with the game he has played, on the other hand, he is shaken by a dangerous surprise waiting for him. Who wants to make Preçhan pay a price and who is threatening? Somer learns that Sevilay is Mustafa's mother with Rüçhan's move. Türkan is like her mother in Somer's eyes now.

Üç Kız Kardeş Episode 37 Trailer

What Will Happen in the New Episode of The Üç Kız Kardeş Series?

After the last episode of The Üç Kız Kardeş, the first introduction from the new episode was published! Three Sisters 36. Tuesday January 24th after the episode, the new episode will be broadcast on what will happen to the curiosity aroused! Tuesday January 31, the 37th edition of Üç Kız Kardeş will be broadcast on the evening of 37. the trailer of the episode has been released!

Türkan learns that she is pregnant and is shocked by this news. On the other hand, the tension between Rüçhan and Türkan continues. Somer, on the other hand, surprises everyone with his speech. On the other hand, the acting done by Nesrin and Rüçhan in Dönün, which is shooting with the camera brought by your cousin from Germany, makes those who see it laugh. Mustafa, on the other hand, proposes marriage to Derya. 

Three Sisters 37. Watch the Episode Trailer


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