BEN BU CİHANA SIĞMAZAM Watch the Last Episode! Watch Full HD One Piece - Watch Trailer

 Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam, Watch the Last Episode! Watch One Piece in Full HD - Watch the Trailer. watch 18 episodes. watch the 19 episode trailer.

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam Watch the Last Episode

atv's beloved series continues to attract attention. The projects that Oktay Kaynarca is involved in are very popular, and this classic situation continues in the series Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam. Those who want to watch the series again or those who missed the episode via the YouTube channel 18. they can reach the entire section. Let's remember what happened in the last episode. We have added a full one-track tracking link below the summary.

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam 18. Episode Summary

While Cezayir has not yet finished the conscience accounting of the decision she made about Bekir, Leyla worries about her older brother Bekir and squeezes Cezayir. Algeria gives Leyla the necessary explanation and allows her to relax. But Algeria is not the only one who knows about Bekir's death. When Gülendam is hospitalized again due to a crisis he had, Cezayir tells Firuze that he does not take enough care of her mother and becomes emotionally charged to Firuze. Flowers start coming to Firuze from an unknown place. While the flowers Firuze receives soften her feelings for Algeria, Leyla causes Algeria to question her love for him. But flowers are a harbinger of a completely different surprise meeting. Jean Luc is surprised by Firuze's confession about Algeria and Yıldırım Turk. And he goes after the truth. Realizing that Jean Luc remains undecided about Turquoise, the Continental pact begins to play on Jean Luc. While Algeria is forming new plans about Tatavlali, Sabit gets an opportunity to attack Algeria. What will Algeria answer to Leyla about the fate of Bekir? Who is the surprise person who knows the secret about Bekir? Who will defend Firuze against Algeria? Who will the flowers meet? How will Sabit respond to Algeria's attack?

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam Watch 18 Episodes Full HD One Piece

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam Watch the Trailer for Episode 19

What will happen in the new episode of I Don't Fit in This World?

"There's no going anywhere without ripping out that bastard's heart and leaving it in my nephew's palm'"

Algerian Turk, who comes from a well-established and strong family, takes revenge on his older brother, who works for the state and fell victim to a sabotage. He starts a new life by being shown to have died for the survival of the state and for the safety of his family. Algerian Turk meets Firuze from doctors without borders as a result of an injury during ongoing operations abroad. Although he misses his wife and family, he knows that he will never be able to return to them. Algeria, who fell in love with Firuze and started a family again, is deciphered after a while and is forced to return to life and Istanbul again. But neither his new family nor his family, who have been missing him for years and praying at his grave, have any news of these developments. Istanbul, which he left behind by entrusting, will come across as a completely different Istanbul.

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam Watch the New Trailer

Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam The Names of the Actors

Oktay Kaynarca (Cezayir), Ebru Özkan Saban (Leyla), Pelin Akil (Firuze), Ali Seçkiner Alıcı (Kurban Baba), Erkan Sever (Orhan), Engin Benli (Tatavlalı), Ragıp Savaş (Atakan), Eren Vurdem (Azamet), Aslı Sevi (Azade), Kerem Kupacı (Ethem), Ziya Kürküt (Bekir), Pelin Uluksar (Süheyla), Mina Derman (Suna), Batuhan Sezer (Ömer Asaf), , Değer Alp (Canan), Başak Kıvılcım Ertanoğlu (Zühre), Burcu Binici (Meltem), Ömer Kurt (Kerim), Mert Kırlak (George Bagnall), Ahmet Yıldırım (Cafer), Tanıl Yöntem (Canberk), Doruk Öztürk (Şamil), Osman Albayrak (Beyler Divanı Azer), Melisa Duru Ünal (Mercan), Aylar Melayeva (Sevim), Hanbey Oğuzhan Çoban (Besim) ve Işıl Yücesoy (Gülendam)


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