We Advise Those in Ankara to Go to Kastamonu! Road Advice

 We will add a different topic to our advice list today. We will tell you how to get from Ankara to Kastamonu. We will recommend an intercity route. We will offer you a sample route. So you will be able to decide whether to make this pleasant journey or not.

We have prepared a sample lecture for you. We have determined a route from Ankara Ufuktepe to Akıncılar Village in Araç. Our road route is 350 km in terms of mileage. on. You can also go to this road route by Kahramankazan - Kizilcahamam - Gerede - Eskipazar - Karabuk - Araç or Akyurt - Kalecik - Çankırı - Ilgaz - Ilgaz Dağ - Olukbaşı, Kastamonu - Araç - Akıncılar rotation. The road route we will recommend will be the Çankırı - Kastamonu road. 

Akıncılar Village can be reached by Araç in 4 or 4.5 hours at a quiet speed. Although it is said by many that this road route is completed in 3 or 3.5 hours, this is not very realistic. 

We recommend that you set off in the morning and you can start the day with the pleasant atmosphere of the coming sun by Kırıkkale - Çorum and sip your tea and coffee ready in your car or bus with pleasure. Pursaklar - Akyurt protocol road, which we call the 4-Decker airport road, can be reached in close to 20 minutes from the Akyurt road. Çubuk, you can see the Çankırı, Kastamonu sign before you come to Karagöl junction and you can feel comfortable and say that the journey starts now. 

Akyurt road 2 lane plenty of light fixed 70 - 80 km. it's a path we can take in the band. Akyurt, which has factories, warehouses and plenty of gas stations around!a connected Ankara!there are nearby neighborhoods. When we pass Aselsan and practice stations, we come to Akyurt center. There is a position where we can easily cross the upper bridge without light. Akyurt, we continue to Kalecik road with 3 lanes. Again, as we said, when we follow our speed limits and go sweetly, you climb the Baykuş Boğazı and Tekebeli passages by greeting the neighborhoods where there are plenty of large fields and hobby gardens. When you want to take a break, you can notice that the uphill exits are over, from the multitude of recreational facilities signs on the plain and on the descent. After descending a slight slope, we devan Çankırı road without returning from the Kalecik turnoff. Kalecik, Kırıkkale after hitting a greeting on the side of the road. Due to the geopolitical location, we continue our 2-lane road without much wooded October land. 80 km from Çankırı. we're there. Iskilip, Bayat, Corum we continue to continue without returning from the crossroads. A wonder of the sky that those who set out in the morning can see takes place here, on the right side you can observe the dance of the fog clouds meeting the wonderful mountain in the mountains and the color changes of the mountain that has turned gray. Before arriving in Çankırı, we move to a beautiful road built by our state, cancel the old single direction and return to the new double-lane road. Before entering the Çankırı center, our police school greets us. On the left side is the industrial center, and on the right side is an old railway and a small river flows towards the Corum side. As you know, the population of our Çankırı is small and the city is underdeveloped. You can return to the road to Kastamonu directly from the bus station road through the city without returning to the district roads. Rock salt is famous in our city, if you want, you can buy souvenirs, you can visit Yunus Shopping Center, the only shopping center of the city. 

When we entered the Kastamonu airport road, our distance to the center has also decreased. In the right and left directions there are forests, resting places, bungalow estates. After passing the airport, we come to our center with a sweet landing in Olukbaşı. Our center is in the right direction, but since we will return to our 'Araç' district, we continue on our way to Karabük - Istanbul from the left side. The same forest landscape has covered around Kastamonu. 65 km. we have a better way. We continue our way in the direction of the 'Araç' district center. After crossing our roads, which occasionally fall into a single lane with road constructions on a double-Decker road, we come to the city center of 'Araç', which is an old settlement. After the district has greeted us with its new buildings, we turn right from the hospital sign and continue our 'Akıncılar' village road. Our road is now one lane.

Ramps have become more frequent While captivating us with the view of Ilgaz Mountain, we come to the July 15 Ilgaz pass, tunnel pass, which our state has built. Before it was done, we were driving on the one-way road surrounding Ilgaz mountain. We had both time and road advantages with the construction of the tunnel. When we come out of the tunnel, it is 30 km to Kastamonu. we come across a road sign. Thanks to the splendor of our mountain, we leave our landscape feeling like there is a giant behind us. 

When we entered the Kastamonu airport road, our distance to the center has also decreased. In the right and left directions there are forests, resting places, bungalow estates. After passing the airport, we come to our center with a sweet landing in Olukbaşı. Our center is in the right direction, but since we will return to our vehicle district, we continue our way to Karabük - Istanbul from the left side. The same forest landscape has covered around Kastamonu. 65 km. we have a better way. We continue our way in the direction of the vehicle district center. After crossing our roads, which occasionally fall into a single lane with road constructions on a double-Decker road, we come to the city center of the Vehicle, which is an old settlement. After the district has greeted us with its new buildings, we turn right from the hospital sign and continue on our way to Akıncılar village. Our road is now one lane. 

Newly built villas and 2-storey houses in our neighborhood welcome us. After passing our student dormitory, we have a hard ramp. We go there through the forest and reach the village, our neighborhood center with its current name. You are now among the mountains with a magnificent view. Dec. 

In this article, we have shared a beautiful route with you. passing through 3 provinces and 5 districts, we tried to explain the local places of our Inner Anatolian region and the Black Sea region. Stay healthy. Our recommendations will continue. Stay tuned..


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