Buy Facebook Followers, Likes, Comments, Interactions

 Facebook Followers, Likes, Comments, Interaction Sales Announcement.

Facebook 100 Followers - 40 TL

Facebook Join 100 Groups - 30 TL

Facebook 100 Page Likes - 15 TL

Facebook 100 Post Likes - 15 TL

Facebook 100 Comments - 30 TL (Our Special Comment service is in the testing process, please send a message to get information in the following days)

Sharing 100 Posts on Facebook - 40 TL

Sharing 100 Linked or Unlinked Posts on Facebook (Objectionable Content is Not Accepted) - 100 TL

Facebook Share 100 Links (Objectionable Content is Not Accepted) - 75 TL

We can also perform services such as Page Evaluation, Survey Voting through our members.

Some of the followers, users, likes, comments and interaction resources consist of our own task site, completely organic followers, and some of them consist of real global users using task site-like applications.

Interactions are completed within 48 hours after paying and shipping begins.

The reason why the time is long is due to the fact that the users are not bots.

In the event of situations such as possible prolongation due to any technical failure or incomplete shipping, the buyer will be refunded as much as the amount of the number that cannot be completed in favor of the buyer.

An extra 10% interaction is provided in case of a fall. The compensation guarantee is one week after the service is completed.

Contact Number: 0 544 403 31 48


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