ALİNA BOZ Age, Height, Boyfriend, Biography, Dramas, Series, Movies and tv shows

 Who is Alina Boz, how old is she, where is she from? Lover, age, height, weight, zodiac sign. Series and films in which she starred. Biography article containing information about his life. Instagram address. Who is Zeynep in Bir Peri Masalı series? His real name.

Who is Alina Boz? Age, Biography

Alina Boz was born on June 14, 1998 in a rural town (Oblastı) near the capital of Russia, Moscow. His mother (Olga Boz) is Russian, and his father, Alina Boz, a Turkish immigrant from Bulgaria, stayed in Russia until she started elementary school. Alina Boz, who returned to Turkey due to her family's affairs, came to Istanbul at the age of seven, learned Turkish and attended primary school here. She graduated from Private Gökjet Aviation High School Cabin Services Department. After graduation, she graduated from the Theater department of Kadir Has University.

She worked as an actress for 7 years at the Barış Manço Cultural Center, which his family had enrolled in elementary school. After taking roles in magazine shoots and commercials, she started her acting career in 2013 as Canan in the TV series Cesur Hemşire. in 2014, she gave life to the character of Hazal in the series Paramparça. In 2016, she starred as Melis Kahveci in the film Kaçma Birader. in 2017, she starred in the film Bölük. in 2017, she played the character of Defne in the series Sevda'nın Bahçesi. in 2018, she got the role of Princess Anastasia Romanova in the TV series Vatanım Sensin, and in the same year she starred in the TV series Elimi Bırakma. She starred in the Netflix original series Aşk 101 and played the character Eda. in 2021, she played the character of Mahur Türel in the TV series Maraşlı.

Today, she gives life to the character Zeynep in Bir Peri Mssalı series that is being broadcast on the Fox TV television channel. The manager of the famous actress is Tuncay Altunoğlu.

Boyfriend Height, Weight, Sign

Gemini's. The eye color is green. 173 cm. she is tall and weighs 52 kg. it weighs. Her lover is Mithat Can Özer, the son of Sezen Aksu. As of September 8, 2022, there are 4 million 600 thousand followers on the blue click Instagram account. Alina Boz has a huge fan base. There are many fan accounts opened on behalf of different platforms on social media. Instagram address alinaboz

TV Series

2022 / Bir Peri Masalı - Zeynep (FOX)
2021 / Maraşlı - Mahur Türel (atv)
2020-2021 / Aşk 101 - Eda Karacaoğlu (Netflix)
2018-2019 / Elimi Bırakma - Azra Güneş (TRT 1)
2017 / Vatanım Sensin - Prenses Anastasia (Kanal D)
2017 / Sevda'nın Bahçesi - Defne (Kanal D)
2016 / Dada Dandinista (Star TV)
2015 / O Ses Türkiye Yılbaşı Özel (TV8)
2014-2017 / Paramparça - Hazal Gürpınar (Star TV)
2013 / Cesur Hemşire - Canan (atv)


2016 / Kaçma Birader - Melis Kahveci
2017 / Bölük - Eylül
2022 / Babamın Öldüğü Gün - Hale
2022 / Bandırma Füze Kulübü - Leyla
Yakında / Yılbaşı Disney+

Video Clips Featuring

2017 / Oğuzhan Koç - Küsme Aşka
2022 / Mor ve Ötesi - Adamın Dibi


2015 / Kayahan Media Art Awards - Best Young Actress (Paramparça)
2015 / Marmara University Awards - Best Young Actress (Paramparça)
2016 / Awards - Best Actress (Paramparça)
2016 / International Indonesia Awards - Best International Actress (Paramparça)
2017 / Istanbul Technical University Awards - Best Actress (Paramparça)
2018 / TRT WORLD Citizen Awards - Best Film Actress (Bölük)
2020 / Spain GLAAD Media Awards - Best Foreign Language Film Couple (Bölük)
2019 / Golden Butterfly Awards - Shining Star of the Year (Elimi Bırakma)
2020 / Palme d'Or Awards - Best Digital Actress (Love 101)
2020 / PTE Spain Awards - Best Foreign Digital Actress (Love 101)
2020 / GQ Men of the Year - Rising Star of the Year (Love 101)
2020 / Yeditepe Dilek Awards - Best Digital Couple (Love 101)
2021 / Ayaklı Gazete Awards - Best Digital Actress (Love 101)
2021 / VIDDIZI Awards - Most Successful Actress (Maraşlı)
2021 / Yeditepe Dilek Awards - Best Leading Actress (Maraşlı)
2021 / Yeditepe Dilek Awards - Best TV Series Couple (Mahur & Celal) (Maraşlı)
2021 / Quality Magazine Awards - Best Quality Actress (Maraşlı)
2021 / Brands of the City Awards - Best Actress (Maraşlı)
2021 / MGD Awards for Drama - Best Actress (Maraşlı)


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