AFRA SARAÇOĞLU Movies and tv shows, Series, Height, Boyfriend, Biography

 Afra Saraçoğlu boyfriend, age, height, weight, zodiac sign. Who is she, where is she from, how old is she? Series and films in which she starred. Biography article containing information about his life. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram address. Who is your Seyran in the Yalı Çapkını series? His real name.

Who is Afra Saraçoğlu? how old is she? Biography

Afra Saraçoğlu is a Turkish TV and film actress.

She was born on December 2, 1998 in Edremit. She completed his primary and high school education in Antalya.

She was accepted to Anadolu University from the department of “Comparative Literature”.

in 2016, she decided to turn to an acting career, postponing her registration.

The flow of his life changed when his mother saw a ‘casting’ share made by Özcan Deniz on social media and applied.

She had her first movie experience with the role of Çiçek in the movie İkinci Şans.

In 2017, she had her first series acting experience by taking part in the series titled Fazilet Hanım ve Kızları with the character of Ece for 40 episodes.

Then, in turn, Kayla in the movie 'Kötü Çocuk’, Ada in the movie ‘İyi Oyun', 'Aşk Bu Mu?' she took part in the film with the role of Gülüm.

in 2019, she gave life to the character 'Hayat Çetin' in the TV series Kardeş Çocukları, 'Gizem Bozkurt' in the TV series 'Öğretmen' in 2020, 'Tülin Saygı' in the TV series 'Yeşilçam' in 2021.

in 2018, she became the face of Hummel and Pantene. She later appeared in Cornetto and Elidor commercials. 45. She was awarded the Pantene Shining Stars award at the Pantene Golden Butterfly Awards. She also received the Turkish Youth Awards: Best Supporting Actress award.

The successful actress is currently giving life to the character of Seyran in the STAR TV series Yalı Çapkını series.

Where is She originally from? Boyfriend Height Weight Sign

Afra Saraçoğlu, who is in love with actor Mert Yazıcıoğlu, is a fanatical Fenerbahce fan. That's the sign of Sagittarius. he is 1.70 m tall and weighs 59 kilograms. She is originally from Balıkesir Edremit on his father's side. His mother is Lütfiye Saraçoğlu. Afra Saraçoğlu's parents separated when she was young. She didn't see his father, his mother raised him. His mother was involved in the real estate business.

Afra Saraçoğlu has wanted and dreamed of becoming an actress since she was a little girl.

At home, she would write scripts and sew costumes on her own, and then animate them and record them on her mother's phone.

She started working from an early age to support her mother.

Afra Saraçoğlu continues her professional career at PH7 Entertainment management agency. September 3, 2022 by the date in blue tic 119.700 followers Twitter account, Facebook page, 1 million 800 thousand followers in Instagram account 4 million 400 thousand followers. Twitter address afrasaracogIu Instagram address afrasaracoglu Facebook address afrasaracogluofficial


2016 / İkinci Şans - Çiçek
2017 / Kötü Çocuk - Kayla
2018 / İyi Oyun - Ada
2018 / Aşk Bu Mu? - Gülüm


2017-2018 / Fazilet Hanım ve Kızları - Ece Çamkıran
2019 / Kardeş Çocukları - Hayat Çetin
2020 / Öğretmen - Gizem Bozkurt
2021 / Yeşilçam - Tülin Saygı
2022 / Yalı Çapkını - Seyran

Featured Ads

2018 / Hummel - Sportswear advertisement
2018 / Pantene - Shampoo advertisement
2021 / Cornetto - Ice cream advertisement
2022 / Elidor - Shampoo advertisement


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