ZEYNEP KOLTUK biography, age, series, wikipedia

 Who is 'Zeynep Koltuk', where is she from, how old is she? Starring series. Age, height, weight, zodiac sign. Who is the 'Türkan' in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi-Let Life Come as It Knows'? A biography article with information about his life. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube address.

Who is 'Zeynep Koltuk', where is she from, how old is she?

Zeynep Koltuk is a theater, TV series and film actress.

She was born on January 2, 1981 in Istanbul.

She is of Georgian descent on his paternal side.

His father is Şener Koltuk, who tested the first F-16 aircraft in Turkey and set a world record in this field by completing the test flights of a total of 561 aircraft with 1,361 hours of flight and zero accident success.

She completed his primary secondary and high school education at Deci College in Ankara.

She first graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of International Relations and Political Science, and then graduated from Bilkent University Department of Theater with first place in 2013.

Besides her university education, she has also received various trainings from numerous institutions related to acting and hosting.

She had her first TV series acting experience with the series 'Kod Adı Kaos-Code Name Kaos' in 2006.

in 2007, she played the character of 'Neva Ulusoy' in the TV series 'Bizim Evin Halleri'.

in 2008, she was known for her character 'Maria' in the TV series 'Adanalı'.

in 2010, she played Harun's sister 'Aslı' in the TV series 'Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi', accountant 'Turkan' in the TV series 'Aramızda Kalsın' in 2013, police chief 'Rukiye' in the TV series 'Ezra' in 2014.

in 2019, she played the character of  'Şule' in the series 'Kuzey Yıldızı İlk Aşk-North Star First Love'.

Nowadays, in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi', which is a series of 'Show TV', Gizem's mother gives life to the character of 'Türkan'.

Zeynep Koltuk acted in some social responsibility projects and advertising films, and also hosted the program called 'Another Ankara'.

At the same time, she played the title role in such theatrical plays as Nora, Yolcular, Delilik, Saygılı Yosma, Anlaşılmaz Konuşmalar; she performed both the title role and the direction of the play Georges Sand and Chopin. Zeynep Koltuk also participated in many workshops on method acting at home and especially abroad, and continued to translate theater plays in English. Currently, she is engaged in the writing and printing of poetry books and continues to teach acting.

She is professionally engaged in ballet, painting, piano and modern dance.

His hobbies include Dec to the theater, reading books, watching movies, art, music, poetry, science, photography and technology.

In addition, horse riding, Decathlon, fencing and swimming sports are also among his interests. He holds the Besiktas football team.

Zeynep Koltuk, who we cannot finish counting her personal talents, is also fluent in German and English

The actress who said that her mother is the one who gives her the greatest support in acting has always said that her goal is to remain a good actress in this profession.

'Zeynep Koltuk', which has a very sympathetic face, has managed to endear itself to the audience on the screens.

She also taught at the Başkent Communication Academy for one semester.

She continues to take part in new projects within SM Management.

Height Weight

She is from Capricorn. 1.71 m. he is tall and weighs 56 pounds.

she married 'Tolga Tekin' in 2013 and divorced a year later. Nowadays it is not known whether she has a boyfriend or not.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube platforms are frequently used in social media. Apart from his own accounts, there are also many fan pages opened on his behalf on different platforms on social media. At the time of this writing, he has 11,500 followers on Twitter, 284,900 followers on TikTok, and 257 thousand followers on his blue-clicked Instagram account. She also has a YouTube channel called Zeiko tv, and she has 10,900 subscribers on this channel. She often shares videos on acting tutorials on her channel.

In addition to all this, there is also a personal website.

Twitter address koltuk_zeynep Instagram address zeynepkoltuk TikTok address @zeynep_koltuk YouTube address ZeiKoTV Personal website zeynepkoltuk.website


2006: Kod Adı Kaos (Kanal D)
2007-2008: Bizim Evin Halleri - Neva Ulusoy (Kanal 1, atv)
2008-2010: Adanalı - Maria (atv)
2010-2013: Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi - Aslı Sinanoğlu (Star TV)
2013-2014: Aramızda Kalsın - Türkan (Star TV)
2014: Ezra - Polis Şefi Rukiye (Show TV)
2018: Çukur (Show TV)
2019-2020: Kuzey Yıldızı İlk Aşk - Şule Gürsoy Mollaoğlu (Show TV)
2022-: Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi - Gizem'in annesi (Show TV)
2023: Atatürk (Disney+)


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