Who is MasterChef Yağız Özçelik, how old is he? Profession - Instagram Address

 Who is MasterChef Turkey 2022 contestant Yağız Özçelik? How old is he? Profession, what does he do? Instagram address. An article containing information about.

Yağız Özçelik is 22 years old and participates in the competition from Düzce.

He's a professional cook.

He had a passion for the kitchen from an early age.

His parents first enrolled him in the commercial high school in Düzce.

He attended high school in Akçakoca and university in Bolu Mengen on cooking.

He ran away from school the first day and stated that he wanted to study in the Tourism department and received an education in this department.

In the first qualifying round, Bebek presented the sea bass dish on the vegetable bed to the appreciation of the chefs.

The chefs found the dish successful, but outdated.

As a result of the vote, he still managed to get three yes.

So he printed his name on the second round and put on the apron.

He uses Instagram on social media.

Instagram Address yagizozcelk


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