The KUSURSUZ KİRACI Series Actors And Story – FOX New Turkish Series 2022

 As the new season approaches, many new series are preparing to meet with the audience. One of those shows is 'Kusursuz Kiracı-The Perfect Tenant'. The cast of the series, which stands out with its different subject, is also quite strong. So what is the subject of the series? So who are the players? You know, it's on the channel, and when will it start? Where is it filmed? The answers to these questions are often investigated. Here are the details about the series!

The Cast of 'Kusursuz Kiracı'

Produced by MF Productions, directed by Yusuf Pirhasan and written by Nermin Yıldırım, “Kusursuz Kiracı” will meet the FOX audience very soon. The series, which is about the mysterious events in the apartment where the main character Dilan Çiçek Deniz has just moved to, will lock the viewers on the screen with sections such as puzzles.

The series; Dilan Çiçek Deniz, Serkay Tütüncü, Melisa Döngel, Özlem Tokaslan, Ruhi Sarı, Beyti Engin, Deniz Cengiz, Umut Kurt, Nilsu Yılmaz, Rami Narin, Ümmü Putgül, Alptekin Serdengeçti, Şirin Öten, Hasan Şahintürk, Rüçhan Çalışkur and Bennu Yıldırımlar continues to attract attention with its strong cast consisting of.

The Story of the Kusursuz Kiracı Series

In The Kusursuz Kiracı-Perfect Tenant, the main character Mona (Dilan Çiçek Deniz) is a young woman who grew up in an orphanage. He works in an Internet newspaper and has been reporting on house arson cases that have recently occurred in different parts of Istanbul. One day when he goes to the fire news again, they encounter the photojournalist Yakup (Serkay Tütüncü), who came to do the same news. Although they like each other from the bottom up, they make the news of bickering because they have completely opposite characters. When the news returns, Mona sees that the landlord, with whom she has already been fighting, has put her belongings in front of the door, and she is now homeless. Since Leyla (Melisa Döngel), her friend from the orphanage and now a policeman, is on a secret mission, she has to accept the offer of Yakup, whom she has just met, to become a tenant in her house, which was later divided into two by a strange architecture, as a temporary solution. However, on the first day Mona moves into the apartment, she realizes that strange things are going on at Yuva Apartment. The mysterious-looking neighbors also don't seem happy about her moving into the apartment. It is obvious that unusual things are going on inside, but before Mona has time to understand what is happening, she falls into an unexpected, serious problem.

“Kusursuz Kiracı,” which makes a difference with its subject, is on FOX very soon.

The Kusursuz Kiracı Cast

Dilan Çiçek Deniz – Mona Ünkap
Serkay Tütüncü – Yakup Ortaç
Bennu Yıldırımlar – Madame Vula
Melisa Döngel – Leyla
Ruhi Sarı –
Rüçhan Çalışkur –
Beyti Engin –
Özlem Tokaslan –
Umut Kurt –
Deniz Cengiz – Suzi Dinç
İncinur Daşdemir –
Nilsu Yılmaz – Pelin Polat

Kusursuz Kiracı Series Trailer Video


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