The Aldatmak Series Cast and Story - atv New Turkish Series 2022

 Who are the Aldatmak actors? What is the subject of the Aldatmak series? It's the cast.

Produced by TIMS & B Productions and produced by Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar, the subject and actors of Aldatmak, which will be one of the most ambitious series of the new season on the atv screen, has become clear.

The series “Aldatmak”, which will leave its mark on the season with its stunning story, masterful script, rich cast and production, reunites three important names of the Bir Zamanlar Çukurova series, which broke ratings records on the ATV screen for four seasons.

The Subject of Aldatmak Series

Güzide is a respected family court judge. She is an honest and principled woman who has saved many marriages from destruction, ensured that many children see the compassion and love they deserve, and has always been on the side of justice. She thinks that they are an exemplary family with her husband and two children, that they live an honorable life, and that their marriage will pass in habitual love, happiness and peace from now on. One day, a loop that Güzide pulled by chance moves forward like a sock ripping off, and she begins to understand that the family she thought was happy is not a warm nest, but a sand castle.

Aldatmak Series Cast

Vahide Perçin (Güzide Yenersoy)

Vahide Perçin was born in the Karsiyaka district of Izmir, the daughter of a Greek immigrant family. She studied graphics in high school, then entered the Faculty of Economics. She won the Theater Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of September 9 University, where she took his exams. She completed his schooling as a first grader. After graduation, she settled in Ankara. Then she accepted the offer of the State Theater and went to Adana. in 2003,she stepped into the world of television.

Güzide Yenersoy

Güzide is a family court judge who is fond of his family, but can be distant and cold from time to time, trembles where she steps, is strict, prescriptive, and never deviates from the truth. She also maintains his authority in the courthouse at home. Güzide, who has been married to Tarık for thirty years, does not compromise on anything against her family and believes that she knows the right path, has two children named Oylum and Ozan. All the facts about his family and life that he thinks she knows correctly will be destroyed by a single coincidence.

Mustafa Uğurlu (Tarık Yenersoy)

Mustafa Uğurlu Turkish theater and film actor. He is also the brother of Ahmet Uğurlu, who is an actor like himself.

Tarık Yenersoy

Güzide's husband, Tarık, is a charismatic lawyer who is successful in his business and has his own law firm. Although there is no visible problem between him and Güzide, there is a fatigue brought by the years in their marriage. Dec. Tarik has been hiding a very big secret from his family for years, and his life will be turned upside down when this secret is revealed.

Feyza Sevil Güngör (Oylum Yenersoy)

Series movie actress. She is a graduate of Istanbul Commerce University.

Oylum Yenersoy

Güzide and Tarık's beautiful and intelligent daughters, Oylum, were enrolled in medical school as a result of her mother's insistence, but her biggest dream is to become a world-famous dancer. Oylum has the courage to pursue his dreams even at the cost of hiding many things from his family, but things will not go as planned at all.

Yusuf Çim (Ozan Yenersoy)

Yusuf Çim, who was born in Istanbul in 1991, started his modeling career with advertising and catalog shoots. He studied acting and performing arts. in 2014, he became involved in music life with his song ”Olsun Bi Kere". He has appeared in television series. Now, he gives life to the character of Ozan in the series ”Aldatmak".

Ozan Yenersoy

Tarık and Güzide's son Ozan is a young civil engineer who has an eye for the best of everything. He complains about working too hard and wants to get rich as soon as possible and live a luxurious life. The desire to get the life he wants in the easy way will cause great problems for him.

Aldatmak On All The Actors-Actress Names

The director of Aldatmak is Murat Saraçoğlu, the script has the signature of master kalem Yıldız Tunç, while the main role of the series is played by Vahide Perçin.

The cast of the series, in which doyen actress Vahide Perçin will appear before the audience with the character of Hakim Güzide Yenersoy, has been announced.

The agenda that will create a strong history with the start of the monitor screen, to lock in the new season of "Aldatmak" the cast of the series Vahide Perçin, Ercan Kesal, Mustafa Uğurlu, Cem Bender, Yusuf Çim, Caner Şahin, Feyza Sevil Güngör, Asena Girişken, Cem Sürgit, Meltem Baytok, Hatice Deniz, Burcu Söyler, Merve Altınkaya, Kerem Müsligil, Esin Alpogan, Neyra Kayabaşı, Burak Acar, Arda Atak, Canan Ürekil, Batuhan Sel, Masal Ayşe Gencer, Ege Semih Erken, Eda Özel is taking place.


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