SELİN SEZGİN biography, height, series, movies, age, boyfriend -Canım Annem Nazlı, Cemre

 Who is Selin Sezgin, where is he originally from, how old is he, is he married, does he have a wife, lover? Height, weight, age. Date of birthday. Which series and films he played in. Serials and films in which he starred. Twitter and Instagram address. 

Canım Annem-Dear Mom, Who is the Nazlı one? How old is the 'Nazlı' in the series 'Canım Annem-Dear Mom'? His real name. A biography article with information about Selin Sezgin, who was among the actress of Canım Annem-Dear Mom, Dec on TV8 screens. Information about his life, etc.

Selin Sezgin Biography - Age

Selin Sezgin was born on June 20, 1990 in the Altındağ district of Ankara. She is originally an Aydın, but has spent most of his life in Istanbul.

Selin Sezgin, who studied at the department of Ceramics And Glass Design of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Mimar Sinan University, received an acting education from Ümit Çırak.

She has been the advertising face of brands such as 'Garanti', 'Dove' and 'Turkcell'.

She had her first front-camera acting experience with the role of Emine in the television movie ‘Zeytinyağlı Yiyemem Aman’ in 2014.

since 2014 until 2019, she has become a well-known actress worldwide for her role as ‘Melek Anne-Angel Mother’ in the TV series ‘Elif’, which is broadcast daily on Kanal 7 television channel.

in 2019, she starred in the motion picture 'Hayatta Olmaz'.

in 2020, he gave life to the character of Seda in the series Bay Yanlış-Mr. Wrong.

in 2022, she took part in Anka-Karabağ Operasyonu in the role of Sahra.

Today, she plays the character of Nazlı (Cemre) in the lead role in the series Canım Annem-My Dear Mother, which is broadcast daily on TV8 television channel. The successful actress continues to take part in new projects within the Unit Talent Management.

Boyfriend's Height and Weight

'Samet Övündü' is her lover. He is of the sign of Gemini. 1.68 m. he is tall and weighs 52 pounds. Although it is claimed that she had an aesthetic done, in an interview with Cemre Melis Çınar, he stated that he had no aesthetic. They have cats. She is interested in painting and makes paintings. She is also engaged in music as a hobby.

Selin Sezgin, who has a lot of fan pages opened on his behalf on social media, has 150 thousand followers on his blue-clicked Instagram account at the time of this article. Instagram address selinsezgiinn Twitter address selnsesgin

Films And Series

2022 - Canım Annem (Cemre - Nazlı) (TV Series)

2022 - Anka-Karabağ Operasyonu (Sahra) (Movie)

2021 – Masumiyet (TV Series)

2020 - Bay Yanlış (Seda) (TV Series)

2019 – Hayatta Olmaz (Movie)

2018 - Kardeşim Benim (Movie)

2014-2019 – Elif (Melek) (TV Series)

2014 – Zeytinyağlı Yiyemem Aman (Emine) (TV Movie)


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