NAZLI GÖRGÜN biography, age - Canım Annem AYŞE

 Who is Nazlı Görgün, how old is she? Who is Ayşe in Canım Annem-My Dear Mother series? Her zodiac sign, height and weight. Her Instagram address. A biography article with detailed information about his life.

Nazlı Görgün Biography - Age

Nazlı Görgün is an actress born on October 12, 1992.

She studied acting at Deniz Erdem Studio and Zeytinburnu Cultural Center Academy of Performing Arts. In addition, she has also received acting-related trainings from Ali Ihsan Bozdemir and Nilgün Atılgan. He has worked at Bursa Metropolitan Municipality City Theater and Anadolu University Theater Anadolu.

The actress, who has previously starred in short films Tenno, Silva Cleaning Cloth, Bomonti 10. year has also taken part in advertising projects such as advertising films. Currently, she plays the character of Ayşe in the series Canım Annem-My Dear Mother, which is broadcast every weekday on TV8 television channel. Successful actor Nilgün Atılgan continues to take part in new projects within the management.

The Height and Weight of the Zodiac Sign

She is of the sign of Libra. 1.72 m. he is tall and weighs 55 pounds.

His interests include tango, flamenco and music Dec

At the time of this writing, she has 10,600 followers on her Instagram account. Instagram address nazligorgun


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