KAAN ÇAKIR movies and tv shows, age, biography

 Who is Kaan Çakır, how old is he, where is he from? Series and films in which he starred. Is he married, who is his wife? Zodiac sign, height and weight. Twitter and Instagram address. Biography article containing information about his life. Wikipedia information. Who is Ahmet in Kardeşlerim series? His real name.

Kaan Çakır Age - Biography

Kaan Çakır is a film, TV and theater actor. He was born on February 1, 1977 in Bakırköy, Istanbul as the second child of a family of immigrants from Komülcine, Greece. After Yeşilköy Hamdullah Tanriöver primary school, he completed his secondary and high school education at İstek Foundation Bilge Kaan College. The actor, whose interest in theater began in high school, starred in many theater plays, especially the musical Grease during his school years.

in 1995 - 1999, he studied at the Istanbul University State Conservatory. In 1998, while studying at the Conservatory, she starred in the 3rd episode of the Kara Melek series. he appeared before the audience during the season. Again, in the same years, he joined the Dormen Theater staff. He took his place on the theater stage with the play called Popcorn.

he graduated from university in 1999 and this time he was in front of the audience with an Istanbul Masalı. Also in the same year, the first motion picture directed by Zeki Ökten was on the white screen with Güle Güle. In the cast of the film, he appeared in front of the camera with names such as Zeki Alasya, Yıldız Kenter, Metin Akpınar.

His first leading role experience in the cinema was the Gölge film of director Mehmet Gureli, whom he called “teacher”. The actor, who has starred in many TV series and cinema projects, also starred in the film Dar Elbise (Tight Dress) by the famous Iraqi director Hiner Saleem and in the film Yemekteydik Ve Karar Verdim, directed by Görkem Yeltan. After the TV series Adı Mutluluk, which was broadcast on FOX in 2015, she continued acting with the TV series titled Bodrum Masalı, which was broadcast on Kanal D between Dec. 2016-2017.

In the following period, she starred in films such as Dört Köşeli Üçgen, Bağcık. He took part in the roles of Ishak Pasha in the TV series Mehmed: Bir Cihan Fatihi, Okan in the TV series Istanbullu Gelin, Ögeday Han in the TV series Diriliş: Ertuğrul, Selim in the TV series Hakan: Muhafız, Alpay Yıldırım in the TV series Benim Adım Melek, Raci in the TV series Kaderimin Oyunu.

since 2022, he has been included in the cast of the TV series Kardeşlerim, the series of the atv television channel. In the series, the father of the character of Ömer takes place with the character of Ahmet Yılmaz. The successful player Erdem Ergüney continues his work within the management.

Kaan Çakır starred in the movie Muna, directed by Serdar Gözelekli, for the 52nd time. He won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the Antalya Film Festival.

Is He Married? Who Is The Wife? Sign Height Weight

he has been married to Başak Çakır since 2008. The famous actor has a son named Ali. The famous actor; In 2011, he settled in Bodrum with his family and still lives there.

He's an Aquarius. 1.81 m. he is tall and weighs 82 kilograms.

He is the founder of the Kurul Bitez business in Bodrum.

She uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on social media. At the time of this writing, he has 4,921 followers on his Twitter account and 24,300 followers on his Instagram account. Twitter address kaacakir Instagram address kaancakirrefmi

Movies And TV Shows

2022 - Kardeşlerim (Ahmet Yılmaz) (TV Series)
2021 - Kaderimin Oyunu (Raci Demirhan) (TV Series)
2021 - Benim Adım Melek (Alpay) (TV Series)
2020 - Hakan: Muhafız (Selim) (TV Series)
2019 - İstanbullu Gelin (Okan) (TV Series)
2018 - Diriliş: Ertuğrul (Moğol Hakanı Ögeday Han) (TV Series)
2018 - Mehmed: Bir Cihan Fatihi (İshak Paşa) (TV Series)
2018 - Dört Köşeli Üçgen (Movie)
2018 - Bağcık (Movie)
2016 – Bodrum Masalı (Cahit) (TV Series)
2015 – Yemekteydik ve Karar Verdim (Movie)
2015 – Muna (Movie)
2015 – Adı Mutluluk (TV Series)
2013 – Su ve Ateş (Hamza) (Movie)
2013 – Eksik Sayfalar (Movie)
2012 – Kalbim 4 Mevsim (Selçuk) (TV Series)
2012 – 2013 – Böyle Bitmesin (Latif) (TV Series)
2012 – Leyla ile Mecnun (TV Series)
2010 – Romantik Komedi (Ergün) (Movie)
2010 – Farklı Desenler (TV Series)
2009 – Kış Masalı (Mehmet) (TV Series)
2008 – Gölge (Nevzat) (Movie)
2008 – Derdest (Turgut Üstün) (TV Series)
2007 – Leylan (Güven) (TV Series)
2006 – Polis (Tayfun İzmitli) (Movie)
2004 – Aliye (Avukat Önder) (TV Series)
2003 – Çaylak (Emre) (TV Series)
2003 – Bir İstanbul Masalı (Necati) (TV Series)
2001 – Hiçbiryerde (Polis) (Movie)
1999 – 2001 – Yılan Hikâyesi (Kosta) (TV Series)
1999 – Güle Güle (Kahveci Dilaver) (Movie)
1996 – 1999 – Kara Melek (Ertan) (TV Series)
1993 – Süper Baba (TV Series)
1993 – Hastane (TV Series)


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