AKIN AKINÖZÜ Dating, movies, series, mother, family, age - Biography

 Who is Akın Akınözü, where is he from, how old is he? Series and movies in which he starred. Dating, height, weight, zodiac sign. Twitter and Instagram address. Biography article containing information about his life.

Akın Akınözü has managed to make a name for himself with the series and projects he has starred in recently. In addition, the magazine press constantly follows him. Every detail about his private life and everyday life is closely followed by the press. The famous actor has a huge fan base in different countries of the world.

So who is Akın Akınözü and where is he from? How old is she? Height, weight and zodiac sign. His family, his mother, his father, his girlfriend. Series and films in which he starred. Biography article containing information about his life. Instagram and Twitter address.

Who is Akın Akınözü, Where is he from, How old is he? Dating, Height, Weight

Akın Akınözü was born on September 22, 1990 in Ankara.

Her full name is Akın Süreyya Akınözü.

His mother is Özlem Akınözü, his father is Tamer Akınözü.

The Sign Libra. 1.80 m. tall and 75 pounds. Originally, his hometown is Ankara.

He speaks English well.

He is in love with Sandra Pestemalciyan, who is of Armenian origin.

Akın Akınözü is a Pescetarian. In other words, it has adopted a diet that does not include the meat of other animals except fish or aquatic products.

He weighed 120 pounds in high school.

Akın Akınözü has had an extremely successful educational life from an early age.

at the age of 17, he went to the other side of the world and lived in America for 6 years.

He was raised as an only child by his mother. Her mother is also an actress. He graduated from TED Ankara College, Department of Mathematics and Science. His father was a government official. During the period of Bülent Ecevit, he served as vice president of privatization and advisor to the prime minister. Then he moved to the private sector.

Akın Akınözü also received a bachelor's degree in General Studies IC Berkeley Applied Math (Applied Mathematics). After finishing his university life, he turned to acting and received acting trainings at the CRAFT Acting Workshop.

In fact, he had no idea of a career related to the acting profession. The biggest support for Akınözü to become an actress was given by her mother. With the encouragement of her mother, he decided to move forward in her acting career.

Akın Akınözü, who attracts attention with his good looks, has gained a great reputation in a short time.

in 2014, he played in the short film Azrail.

he appeared on television screens for the first time with the Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem series, which started broadcasting in 2015. He played the character of Ivan Ali in the series. Later, in 2016, he took part in the series Arkadaşlar İyidir with the role of Yunus Çağlayan in the title role.

between Dec Dec 2017 – 2018, Murat Aslan in the series Aslan Ailem, between Dec 2018 – 2019, Payitaht Abdulhamid in the series Ömer, between Dec 2019 – 2021, Miran Aslanbey (Şadoğlu) in the series Hercai, between Dec 2021 - 2022, between the years of Cemal gave life to the character of the Kaderimin Oyunu Cemal.

It has recently been announced that he will take part in the series called Tuzak. Akın Akınözü continues to take part in new projects. The famous actor is managed by Günfer Günaydın.

Akın Akınözü uses Twitter and Instagram on social media. As of July 21, 2022, he has 81,900 followers on his Twitter account and 3 million 400 thousand followers on his blue-click Instagram account. In addition, there are many fan accounts opened on behalf of different platforms on social media. Instagram address akinakinozu Twitter address AkinAkinozu


2019 - 24.Golden Lens Awards / Male Actor in a Drama Series
2020 - 6.Ayaklı Newspaper Awards / Best TV Series Couple (Reyyan&Miran)
2020 - Nona TV Series Awards / Mr.Nova / Best Couple (Reyyan&Miran)
2020 - Premios Telenovelas Espana Awards / Most Handsome Actor

Movies and TV Shows

2021 - Kaderimin Oyunu (Cemal) (TV Series)

2019 - Hercai (Miran) (TV Series)

2017-2018 - Aslan Ailem (Murat) (TV Series)

2017 - Payitaht Abdülhamid (Ömer) (TV Series)

2016 - Arkadaşlar İyidir (Yunus) (TV Series)

2015 - Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem (İvan/Ali) (TV Series)

2014 - Azrail (Gaffur) (Short Film)


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