YAĞMUR BAŞKURT Age, series, biography

 Who is Yağmur Başkurt? The series in which he starred. How old is she? Height, weight, lover. Age, life, biography and wikipedia information.

Born in Istanbul in 1995, Yağmur Bashkir graduated from the Theater department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Kadir Has University, Faculty of theater, Kadir Has University, Department of Theater.

in 2018, she played in the series Kanaga and Our Story-Bizim Hikaye, and in 2019 he played in the Collision-Çarpışma series, which was broadcast on the TV screens of the Show.

in 2019, she starred in the series Sefirin Kızı, which was broadcast on Star TV, with the character of Gülsiye and began to be known.

Today, she gives life to the character of Nurbanu in the TV series Gül Masalı, which is an ATV series.

The successful actress continues to take part in new projects.

1.68 m. he is tall and weighs 54 pounds.

He actively uses the platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on social media.

At the time of this writing, she has 79,200 followers on his Instagram account. She is not married. It is not known if she had a boyfriend.

Twitter Address yagmurbaskurt

Instagram Address yagmurbaskurt

Starring Series

2022 – Gül Masalı (Nurbanu) 

2019 – Sefirin Kızı (Gülsiye)

2019 – Çarpışma

2018 – Kanaga 

2018 – Bizim Hikaye


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