The topic of the series O KIZ and its Cast – When will it start? The New Turkish TV Series 2022

 The subject and actors of the series 'O Kız-That Girl'. It's the cast. The characters they portray. When will the new Channel D series start?


Focus Film is being produced and the script of the series 'O Kız - That girl', directed by Özlem Günhan, is being written by Sırma Yanık.

The cast of the TV series “O Kız-That Girl” of Kanal D, which is preparing to meet its audience soon, has also been announced.


The Subject of the Series 'O Kız-That Girl'

The life of the internet phenomenon Ozan character, who is having an affair with Sitare Arkin, the married patroness of the agency to which he is connected, is turned upside down due to Zeynep, who came to clean his house.

The Cast of 'O Kız-That Girl'

The names of the actors and the characters they portray in the series are as follows;

Erkan Petekkaya (Kadir), Sezin Akbaşoğulları (Sitare), Ogeday Girişken (Ozan), Dilin Döğer (Zeynep), Ahmet Mekin (İsmail), Asiye Dinçsoy (Türkan), Orhan Kılıç (Fevzi), Ayten Uncuoğlu (Fatma), Münire Apaydın (Nimet), Ilgın Çakır (Mine), Melih Selçuk (Salih), Ece Efe(İpek), Göktuğ Yıldırım (Mustafa), Cem Kurtoğlu (Arkın), Deniz Bakacak (Seda), Mustafa Konak (Yusuf), Nehir Gökdemir (Esma) and Zeynep Sönmez (Seher) facility.

Where is the Series 'O Kız-That Girl' Being Filmed? When Will It Start?

The series 'O Kız-That Girl' is being filmed in Istanbul. The new season is expected to start on Kanal D television channel with the first episode in September.

Erkan Petekkaya, a talented actor who has gained great popularity with every project he has participated in, will meet the audience with a surprise character in the series.

The cast of the series, where the preparations are in full swing, also includes the successful actor Erkan Petekkaya, who always mentions his name with his acting. The master actor, who will come to the screen with a character from the opposite corner, will bring the character of Kadir to life in this Girl series. The life that Kadir perceives with the purity of a 5-year-old boy, even though he is 45 years old, will surround everyone in his life of endless love, no matter how cruel it may be.

The character of Sitare will also be brought to life by successful actor Sezin Akbaşoğulları in the highly anticipated series.

Sitare is a beautiful and predatory businesswoman in her late 30s. She is a dizzying woman not only with her beauty and sexuality, but also with her cool posture, charisma and success. When she was the boss of yesterday's advertising agency, she predicted that the future was in social media with her nose that was open to innovations and smelled good, and she became the owner of the most established social media agency in the sector.


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