Sarp Can KÖROĞLU girlfriend, series, movies, tv shows, height, age, birthday, biography, dating

 Who is Sarp Can Köroğlu, the actor who played the character of Arda in the TV series 'Dec Tale of Roses-Gül Masalı', and how old is he? Where is he originally from? Does he have a wife, a girlfriend? What is your age, height, weight and zodiac sign? Date of birthday. What series and movies has he played in to date? TV shows and movies. Instagram account and Twitter account address. Vital. Details and more are in our biography article.

Sarp Can Köroğlu? Age, Birthday, Biography - Series And Films

Sarp Can Köroğlu was born on July 14, 1990 in Bolu.

He has an older sister. His father is a pharmacist.

He attended high school in Bolu. After graduating from high school, he moved to Istanbul and started studying at the Archaeology Department of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.

After receiving a short-term acting education at Akademi 35BUCUK, she started acting in 2010 with the series ‘I Got Life-Elde Var Hayat’. Later, in 2011, the handsome actor, who appeared in front of the audience with the character of Bulent in the series 'I Named Him Feriha-Adını Feriha Koydum', won the audience's appreciation for his performance in this series. After this success, Sarp Can Köroğlu, who continued his education and took a break from the series, returned to the sets Dec with the series Kurt Seyit and Şura in 2014. Then, she starred in the TV series 'Güneşin Kızları, Hayatımın Aşkı, Bir Mucize Olsun and Paramparça'.

in 2017, he took part in the film “Groom Team-Damat Takımı” directed by Doğa Can Anafarta with the role of Yiğit.

in 2018, he was included in the cast of the Forbidden Apple-Yasak Elma series broadcast on Fox TV screens and gave life to the character of Kemal.

in 2020, she was included in the cast of the TV series Mr. Wrong-Bay Yanlış and gave life to the character of Serdar Öztürk.

in 2021, he played the character of Deniz Saraçhan in the TV series You Knock on My Door-Sen Çal Kapımı.

in 2022, he appeared in the film Obsession directed by Eray Altay in the role of Barış Sancaktar.

Currently, she is giving life to the character of 'Arda Seçkin' in the Rose Fairy Tale-Gül Masalı series Dec is being broadcast on ATV television channel.

Who is the 'Arda' in the Series 'Dec Tale of Roses-Gül Masalı'?

Arda Seçkin

Gonca's childhood friend. A lawyer who is trying to rise in his business. ”He has a devil's feather," as they say, and he attracts attention everywhere he enters. He cares about showing off. He has been in love with Gonca for many years, but he has been unable to reveal his feelings to avoid losing her. Gonca's love, which grows with the Toprak over time, will turn her into someone who can do inconceivable evil. His anger will lead him to do evil that will harm the Toprak and the Gonca. Arda, while an innocent platonic lover, succumbing to his ambition and anger, will cooperate with Ece and turn into a dangerous Dec step by step.

'Sarp Can Köroğlu' is a Sign of Height and Weight

Let's also give you the following classic information that is curious because he is an actor. The handsome actor is a Cancer, he is 1.90 tall and weighs 85 pounds.

He works with Gaye Sökmen Agency.

Where is He originally From? Does He Have A Girlfriend?

It is originally Bolu. He is a Fenerbahce fan. The player who loves animals very much plays a lot of sports in his spare time, goes on a trip, plays console games. At the moment, she has no known lover.

The successful player, who often uses Instagram and Twitter, has 72,300 followers on his Twitter account and 741,000 thousand followers on his blue-clicked official Instagram account at the time of this article.

The number of followers of a successful player is increasing every day.

As the number of episodes in the Rose Tale-Gül Masalı series increases, it is expected that this rise will continue to gain momentum.

Instagram Address sarpcan

Twitter Address SarpCanKoroglu

Series And Movies In Which He Played

2010 – Elde Var Hayat (Öğrenci) (TV)

2012 – Adını Feriha Koydum (Bülent) (TV)

2014 – Kurt Seyit ve Şura (TV)

2015 – Güneşin Kızları (Emre) (TV)

2016 – Hayatımın Aşkı (Hakan) (TV)

2016 – Paramparça (Pars) (TV)

2017 – Damat Takımı (Yiğit) (Movie)

2018 – Bir Mucize Olsun (TV)

2018 – Çukurdere (TV)

2018 – Yasak Elma (Kemal) (TV)

2020 – Bay Yanlış (Serdar Öztürk) (TV)

2021 – Sen Çal Kapımı (Deniz Saraçhan) (TV)

2022 – Obsesyon (Barış Sancaktar) (Movie)

2022 – Gül Masalı (Arda Seçkin) (TV)


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