ÖZGÜR DANİEL FOSTER biography, series and movies, wikipedia

 Who is the Özgür Daniel Foster? How old is she? Who is the Ege in the Tozluyaka-Dusty Collar series? Serials and films in which he starred. His real name. Lover, age, height, zodiac sign. Her Instagram address. A biography article with detailed information about his life.

Özgür Daniel Foster Biography - Age

Özgür Daniel Foster was born on July 2, 1997 in Muğla – Marmaris.

He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Marmaris.

After that, he moved to Istanbul to become an actor.

The handsome actor, who speaks English very well, also studied at the Marmara University School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sports Management.

He has been interested in the sport of sailing for a long time in the past.

During his college years, he competed as a national athlete, but after that he got injured and chose to quit.

Before starting acting, she received many trainings such as basic acting, diction, improvisation, text analysis, theater theories, camera acting, voice and breath training, singing, movement, dance lessons.

During high school, she simultaneously studied Drama and Front-Camera Acting at the Marmaris Müjdat Gezen Art Center.

She also completed Basic Acting at Akademi 35 and a Half and Front-Camera Acting Training at Craft Atölye.

Serials And Films

In 2017, Foster appeared in front of the camera with the film ‘Karanlıktaki Melekler-Angels in the Dark’ directed by David Angelus.

Then, in 2019, she continued her career with the film ‘Bilmemek’ directed by Leyla Yılmaz.

Then ‘Tek Yürek-One Heart' followed by 'Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm-Either Independence Or Death' (Lieutenant John G. Bennett), ’Aşk 101-Love 101‘ (Kerem), ’Annemizi Saklarken-Hiding Our Mother‘ (Barış Moran), ’Kuş Uçuşu-Bird Flight' (Onur) have been involved in successful projects such as.

Now, he is giving life to the character of ‘Ege Şimşek’ in the series Tozluyaka, which is being broadcast on the FOX television channel.

Who is Tozluyaka Ege?

Ege Şimşek

Fun, loyal, lonely.

He constantly tries to eliminate the gap that his working parents have opened in him and the fear of being alone with his friends. Especially since every word that comes out of the mouth of his best friend Berk is considered the law for him. Over time, he will learn what friendship and brotherhood really mean, but by the time that day comes, the number of people he will spend and spend will also be too many to be underestimated.

Girlfriend Height Sign

It is also wondered if Daniel Foster the Free and Joy Foster the Laurel are mites.

It is not yet known, but there is no apparent kinship connection as far as we know.

The young actor continues to take part in new and different projects within the Icon-Talent management. He's a cancer. he is 1.85 cm tall.

In the past, the Youtuber has had love with 'Sude Alkış'. Today, whether her girlfriend has been reached.

As of the moment of this article, he has 111,000 followers on his Instagram account.

The number of followers of the successful player is increasing every day.

As the number of episodes in Tozluyaka series increases, it is expected that this rise will continue to gain momentum.

Instagram Address ozgurfoster

Özgür Daniel Foster TV Series 

Tozluyaka / Ege Şimşek / 2022

Kuş Uçuşu / Onur / 2022

Annemizi Saklarken / Barış / 2021-2022

Aşk 101 / Kerem / 2021

Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm / John G. Bennett / 2020


Bilmemek / Hakan / 2019

Karanlıktaki Melekler / 2017


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