MUSTAFA AÇILAN age, series, movies, biography, wikipedia

 'Mustafa Açılan' is on the agenda with its new series. The successful actor is currently playing the character of 'Araz' in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi-Let Life Come as It Knows'. So who is 'Mustafa Açılan' and where is he originally from? How old is he? Does he have a girlfriend? His starring series, movies, age, height, weight, zodiac sign. Twitter and Instagram address. Who is 'Araz' in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi-Let Life Come as It Knows'? A biography article containing information about the life of Mustafa Açılan.

Mustafa Açılan Biography? Age

Mustafa Açılan was born in Çanakkale in 1987.

Ahmet Yesevi graduated from the International Turkish Kazakh University with a Master's Degree in Business Administration in Russian.

Mustafa Açılan, who studied acting with Eric Morris from Meltem Cumbul, is also a graduate of the Academy's 35-and-a-Half Art School.

Mustafa Açılan has been interested in acting since childhood. at the age of 7, he took part in the play 'The Piper of the Village with Mice' at the Çanakkale City Theater.

After graduating from university, he started working in the jewelry industry abroad. When his business broke down, he started taking acting courses and doing the profession he wanted.

In 2016, 'Mustafa Açılan' had his first series acting experience with the series 'Kanıt Ateş Üstünde-Evidence is on Fire'. He successfully played the character of 'Ozan' in this series. He continued his career with the series 'Babamın Günahları-Sins of My Father' and the film 'Vecihi Hürkuş : Göklerdeki Kahraman'.

in 2018, he played the character of 'Veli' in the TV series 'Bir Zamanlar Çukurova'-Onetime Çukurova'. In the same year, he took part in the film 'Ustalar Alemi-The World of Masters' with the role of 'Bahtiyar'.

after playing in the series 'Çocuk' in 2019, she gave life to the character of 'Galip Yalçınoğlu' in the series 'Maria Ve Mustafa' in 2020.

after playing in the TV series 'Akıncı' in 2021, he gave birth to the character 'Çetin' in the TV series 'Teşkilat' in 2021. Nowadays, he plays the character of 'Araz' in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi', which is broadcast on the Show TV television channel.

Her Girlfriend's Height and Weight

'Mustafa Açılan' is from the sign of Leo. 1.78 m. he is tall and weighs 68 pounds. He is closely interested in boxing and football and is a Fenerbahce fan. The news that he was lovers with 'Tuğba Tutuğ' was reflected in the press. It is not yet known where he was originally from.

The handsome actor, who uses Twitter and Instagram on social media, has 39,500 followers on his Instagram account as of the time of this post, and 1,302 followers on his Twitter account. It is expected that the number of followers on social media accounts will increase as the number of episodes in the series 'Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi-Let Life Come as It Knows' increases. Twitter Address mustafaacilan Instagram Address mustafaacilan


* Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish Kazakh University Master of Business Administration in Russian

• Academy 35 and a Half Art School

• Eric Morris System Acting Training With Meltem Cumbul

Series And Films

• 2022 / Gelsin Hayat Bildiği Gibi / Show TV / Altan Dönmez - Series
• 2021 / Akıncı / Atv / Veli Çelik - Series
• 2020 / Maria İle Mustafa / Atv / Faruk Teber - Series
• 2019 / Çocuk / Star Tv / Serkan Birinci - Series 
• 2019 / Karanlık / Emrah Sendur - Short Film
• 2018 / Vecihi Hürkuş : Göklerdeki Kahraman / Kudret Sabancı - Film 
• 2018 / Ustalar Alemi / Gig Production - Film
• 2018 / Bir Zamanlar Çukurova / Atv / Faruk Teber-Murat Saraçoğlu - Series
• 2018 / Babamın Günahları / Star TV / Abdullah Oğuz - Series
• 2016 / Kanıt Ateş Üstünde / Kanal D / Abdullah Oğuz - Series


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