GÜLPER ÖZDEMİR movies and tv shows, series, age, boyfriend, biography, height

 Who is Gülper Özdemir, from where? In which series did Gülper Ozdemir star? The series in which she starred. Who is the Gonca in the series 'Gül Masalı-The Tale of the Rose'? How old is she? Where is she originally from? Who is the lover? Date of birthday. Age, weight, height, zodiac sign. Twitter and Instagram address. A biography article with information about his life.

Gülper Özdemir Biography - Age

Gülper Özdemir was born on April 5, 1990 in Frankfurt, Germany and is a Turkish theater and TV series actress.

She childhood was spent in Sinop.

She has studied acting at different institutions in many countries such as Germany, USA, France.

She is a graduate of Truman State University in the USA and RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

She studied method acting from Bahar Kerimoğlu and front-camera acting from Peter Vickers in Paris.

Truman E. The young talent, who also received various trainings at the Scott Actors Theater Workshop, has performed in both Turkish and German theaters.

She joined the ”New York The Living Theatre“ as an actress and staged Judith Malina's play ”No Place To Hide".

Gülper Özdemir Movies And TV Shows

in 2015, she had her first series acting experience with the character Arya, whom she portrayed in the series Medcezir.

Simge Aydın in the series Tell Me to Love-Bana Sevmeyi Anlat in 2016, Derya Uluçınar in the series Kara Yazı in 2017, Elif Ersöz in the series Prisoner-Tutsak in 2017, Melek Saymaz in the series Love of Angels-Meleklerin Aşkı in 2018, Hazan in the series Tell You the Black Sea-Sen Anlat Karadeniz in 2019, Doctor Ayşe Inan in the series Cyprus / Cyprus: Towards Victory-Bir Zamanlar Kıbrıs/Kıbrıs: Zafere Doğru once gave life to the character.

Currently, she plays the character of Gonca Aydın in the series Gül Masalı, which is broadcast on ATV television channel.

Who is the Gonca in the 'Tale of Roses-Gül Masalı' Series?

Gonca Aydın

Industrial engineer. He grew up without a mother. Having no choice but to step on his own two feet, he has learned to stand strong in the face of life's challenges. He is experiencing his emotions intensely. He makes sudden decisions at the expense of taking risks when necessary. Gonca, who does not shut up in the face of injustice, is a colorful woman with unusual, childish happiness who listens to her inner voice.

The day she has to leave work, her life changes with a news from Isparta. The house and the rose garden inherited from her mother, whom she lost many years ago, open the doors of a new life for Decca. While learning the facts about her family's past, she will be a strong supporter of working farmer women and Fatma will be the main guide in her difficult journey to Gonca. If the real owner of Dec heart is the love that grows between them and the Earth, it will turn into a fairy tale.


A successful player who continues his life in Istanbul today continues to take part in new projects within the UK Communication Management.

Gülper Özdemir's lover is Mehmet Aykaç, who was once her co-star from the Cyprus TV series.

For the first time, players who hid their relationships and shared them separately where they went announced that they became lovers during the Batumi holiday.

She is originally from Sinop, both from his mother's side and from his father's side.

The Sign of Weight and Height

She is of the sign of Aries. he is 1.76 m tall and weighs 57 kg.

Gülper Ozdemir, who speaks 4 languages, is a complete travel enthusiast. Before becoming an actor, he visited different countries of the world in order to get more education, but then he continued to travel again. She has toured many countries such as London, South India, South Africa, Dubai, the United States.

She prefers to stay alone with nature, read books and play sports when he has time left from work. She often does activities such as pilates, horse riding, yoga, swimming, dancing.

Social Media Accounts

Gülper Özdemir uses Twitter and Instagram on social media.

At the time of this writing, she had 2,415 followers on his Twitter account and 515,000 followers on his blue-clicked Instagram account.

The number of followers of a successful player is increasing every day.

As the number of episodes in the Rose Tale series increases, it is expected that this rise will continue to gain momentum.

The Twitter Address of Gulperr_

The Instagram Address is gulperr


2015 – Medcezir – Arya – Star TV
2016 – Bana Sevmeyi Anlat – Simge Aydın – FOX
2017 – Kara Yazı – Derya Uluçınar – Kanal D
2017 – Tutsak – Elif Ersöz
2018 – Meleklerin Aşkı – Melek Saymaz – Show TV
2019 – Sen Anlat Karadeniz – Hazan – atv
2021-2022 – Bir Zamanlar Kıbrıs/Kıbrıs: Zafere Doğru -Doktor Ayşe İnan – TRT 1
2022-? – Gül Masalı – Gonca Aydın – atv


Regent Crescent – London


The Living Theatre – New York
Tiyatro Frankfurt – Frankfurt
Rudolf-Koch – Frankfurt


Method Acting – Bahar Kerimoglu
Acting On Camera-Peter Vickers Paris/ Fransa
The Actors Theatre Workshop-Truman E. Scott
New York/ ABD
Bachelor of International Business Adm. – RheinMain University of Applied S. / Almanya
Truman State University, School of Business (Erasmus) ABD


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