ÇAĞLA ŞİMŞEK biography, birthday, drama list, height and weight, movies and tv shows, dating, series

 Who is Çağla Şimşek? Movies and tv shows in which he starred. Who is Hazal in the TV series Tozluyaka? His real name is his name. Age, height, weight and zodiac sign. Date of birthday. 

Where is he originally from? Where is he, at which university is he studying? Where are his parents from. A biography article with information about his life. His TikTok, Twitter and Instagram address.

Çağla Şimşek Biography, Birthday

Çağla Şimşek was born on August 1, 2002 in Çekmeköy, Istanbul.

She continues her university education in the department of psychology simultaneously with the Department of Sociology at Istanbul Arel University.

By mother, Samsun is a Gümüşhane by father.

Her mother's name is Naz.

How Did He Become Famous?

During his school years, Çağla Şimşek was closely involved in basketball, ice skating and fitness.

Osman Yağmurdereli's life changed after he discovered himself.

Çağla Şimşek has been acting since the age of 4.

Since he has been on the sets for as long as he knows himself, he has never thought about doing anything else afterwards.

Series And Films

To date, Şimşek has played in many commercials, TV series and motion pictures.

She had her first acting experience with the character of Naz in the TV series Elveda Derken-Saying Goodbye, where Hilal Saral was sitting in the director's chair.

Later, she played in the TV series Kırmızı Işık-Red Light, Kayıp Prenses-The Lost Princess and Cuma'ya Kalsa.

in 2011, he played the character of Lavin in the series Hayat Devam Ediyor directed by Mahsun Kırmızıgül.

She started to become a well-known actress after the character of Zehra, whom she portrayed in the series Küçük Gelin-Little Bride.

after appearing in the TV series Elif in Dec 2017, she had to take a break from acting due to school

he stayed away from the screens for 2 years and refused many TV series offers.

After graduating from university, she joined the TV series Kardeşlerim-My Brothers in 2021 with the character Ayşe Kaya.

Dec 2021-2022, she gave life to the character of Seher Çetin in the series Elkızı.

he plays the small character Hazal in the series Tozluyaka, which is being broadcast on FOX television channel since 2022.

Who is Tozluyaka Hazal?

Hazal Küçük

Fearless, impassive, dreamer.

Hazal is perhaps the person with the biggest dreams. There is no limit to their desires, what they desire to have. He also knows very well that he has the strength to achieve everything. He cries very well, but he also makes a very nice flirtation. He shows everyone his other face because he can notice people's weaknesses very well. There's nothing he wouldn't do to win in a war he's in. He is in love with power, and everyone who is strong is in his sphere of interest.

Boyfriend's Height and Weight

The young actress who continues to take part in new and different projects within the UK Communication management is from the sign of Leo. he is 1.60 tall and weighs 50 pounds. She has no known lover.

There is a very large fan base on social media.

At the time of this writing, he has 24,200 followers on Twitter, 6 million 100 thousand followers on his blue-clicked TikTok account, 2 million 600 thousand followers on his Instagram account. In addition, there are many large fan accounts opened on behalf of different platforms on social media.

The number of followers of the successful player is growing every day.

It is expected that this increase will continue to gain momentum as the number of episodes in the Tozluyaka series increases.

Twitter Address caglassimsek

TikTok Address @caglassimsek

Instagram Address caglasimsek1


2010 Nisvan - Tarihe Adını Yazdıran Kadınlar
2010 Vay Arkadaş
2014 Çeşme - Fatma
2019 Ferhat ile Şirin: Ölümsüz Aşk - Şirin

Tv Shows

2007 Elveda Derken - Naz
2008 Kırmızı Işık - Merve
2008-2009 Kayıp Prenses - Duru
2010 Cuma'ya Kalsa - Çağla
2011-2013 Hayat Devam Ediyor - Lavin Bakırcı
2013-2015 Küçük Gelin - Zehra Kara Kirman
2017 Elif - Reyhan
2021 Kardeşlerim - Ayşe Kaya
2021-2022 Elkızı - Seher Çetin / Melek Bozdağlı
2022-? Tozluyaka - Hazal Küçük


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