Who is ZEYNEP ATILGAN? Age - Height and Weight (Yargı-Parla)

 Who is 'Parla' in the Yargı serie? Who is Zeynep Atılgan by her real name? How old is? In which series did Zeynep Atılgan, who was among the actors of Deci and played the character of Parla Yılmaz, play? What is his height and weight? What is the date of birth? The answers to all these questions are currently often searched for in search engines by those who watch the Yargı series. dec. Wikipedia and biography information are curious. That is why we have prepared an informative article for you. Here is the life of Zeynep Atılgan!

Who is Zeynep Atılgan? (Yargı-Parla)

Zeynep Atılgan is an actress of advertising, theater and TV series.

he was born in 2002.

He is studying at the Department of Physics at Marmara University in English.

In 2018, she performed in the theater plays Othello, Machbeth, Cyrano de Bergerac.

She has appeared in commercials for important brands such as Cheetos, Halley, Yayla.

Dec English-speaking player's hobbies include kick box, judo and singing.

Zeynep Atılgan, who previously appeared in the series Arka Sokaklar, is currently giving life to the character of Parla in the Yargıl series.

Height And Weight

Berna Konukman continues to take part in new projects as a manager.

he is 1.68 cm tall and weighs 53 kilograms.

She often uses Instagram on social media.

At the time of this writing, he has 19,600 followers on his account.

The number of followers of the young talent is growing every day.

It is expected that this number will continue to rise as the number of episodes in the Yargı series increases.

Instagram Address zeyatilgan


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