BÜŞRA OĞUR Biography! The Promise (Yemin) TÜLAY Series

 Who is Tülay in the Yemin (The Promise) TV serie? Who is Büşra Oğur by her real name? How old is? Who is the actress who gave life to the character of Tülay in the series Yemin (The Promise), the phenomenon series of Kanal 7 television channel? The answers to these questions are currently being intensively searched for in search engines by viewers of the Yemin (The Promise) series. For this reason, we have prepared an informative biography article with information about Büşra Oğur, who is among the Yemin cast. We talked about the serials and films in which he played. Here is the life of Büşra Oğur!

Who is the Yemin (The Promise) Tülay? Who is Büşra Oğur?

Büşra Oğur was born on July 25, 1990 in Istanbul, Turkey and is a presenter and actress. She completed her university education at Istanbul University Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Cinema and Television between dec008 and 2012. In addition, she has received diction, announcer and presenter trainings at institutions such as Turkish-German Summer Academy, Başkent Academy of Communication Sciences. She was a presenter at BJK TV for about a year in 2013.

Starring Serials

since 2014, she has been acting in TV series and films.

in 2014, he gave life to the character Defne in the series Kiraz Mevsimi.

in 2015, he played in the TV series Kurtlar Vadisi:Pusu, Şehrin Melekleri, Çilek Kokusu.

in 2017, she continued her career with the television series Kırlangıç Fırtınası.

She has also played in the Kanal 7 television channel's Hayat Dediğin TV movie series.

Nowadays, she gives life to the character of Tülay in the Yemin (The Promise) series, which is the main series of Kanal 7 television channel. Meriç Esener continues to take part in new projects within the management.

The height and weight of Büşra Oğur, who is from the sign of Leo, are unknown. It is not yet known where she is originally from, whether she has a boyfriend, but perhaps this information will be available as she gives an interview in the coming days.

Facebook Instagram is the most popular social media platform for successful gamers. At the time of this writing, he has 17,600 followers on his Instagram account. The number of followers of Büşra Oğur, who is always on the attention both because of her acting and because of her beauty, is increasing every day. It is expected that this rise will continue as the number of episodes in the Yemin (The Promise) series increases.

Instagram Address busraogur


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