Who is GÖNÜL DAĞI ELİF? ZÜMRE MEĞRELİ Biography! Sequences! Length

 Who is Elif the nurse in the series Gönül Dağı? Who is a member of a Group with a real name? How old is? What are the TV series he plays in? What is the date of birth? What's his sign? How tall and how much does he weigh? Where is he originally from? Does she have a boyfriend? What is the Instagram and Twitter address? The answers to all these questions are curious to the viewers of Gönül Dağı. In addition, a lot of research is being conducted on search engines about the player Dec But let's note from the beginning that he is an actor who does not have much information about the Clan. Over time, of course, as we give interviews, we will have the opportunity to get to know him more closely. Nevertheless, we wanted to make a biographical entry about the actor's life. We will go to the edits and updates in our article as we get new information over time.

Who is Gönül Dağı Elif Nurse? Who are the Members of the Group? How Old Is?

Zümre Meğreli is a theater and TV series actress. he was born in Ankara in 1998. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Ankara.

She graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Theater. Hypomania has performed in theater plays such as Hamlet of a Father and Cabaret of the Cure, Under the Castle.

In addition to acting in theater, Zümre Meğreli had her first and only series experience with the character of Nurse Elif in the Gönül Dağı TV series, which she has been starring in since 2020. However, he started his career in a very important series. His only misfortune was that his partner in the series left the series. Unfortunately, Utku Ateş decoupled from the series while a full love could sprout between the Serdar character portrayed by Utku Ateş in the Gönül Dağı series and the story. Despite this, the viewer is still very happy to see him in the series. Although a lot of shares have been made on social media for the duo to be on the series again, unfortunately this has not been possible. The projects that the successful actor will take part in in the future are eagerly awaited by his fans.

Zümre Meğreli Height And Weight

Zümre Meğreli is 1.68 tall and weighs 52 pounds. Unfortunately, at the moment, information such as the exact date of birth, zodiac sign, where she is from, whether she has a boyfriend is unknown.

Instagram Address of Gönül Dağı Elif Nurse

Due to her pure beauty and her successful acting performance, the actress, who already has a lot of fans, actively uses social media. As of the moment of this article, he has 52,100 followers on Instagram. The number of followers of the player is increasing every day. It is expected that this number will continue to increase as the episodes of the Gönül Dağı series progress.

Instagram Address https://www.instagram.com/zumre.megreli/

Who is Gönül Dağı Elif?

In the series Gönül Dağı, the character of Elif is the village nurse. Elif, who does needle dressing in the village, is a kind-hearted girl who is loved. Elif is most in love with Taner, the son of Halime's sister. The only purpose of Elif, who goes to measure Halime's sister's blood pressure every evening, is to see Taner and show herself to Taner.

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