The Subject of the Series BARBAROSLAR AKDENİZ'İN KILICI And The Cast
Who are the actors of the TRT 1 series, which was first announced with the name Barbaros, and then updated with the name Barbaroslar Akdeniz'in Kılıcı? Which actor plays which roles? Barbaros What is the subject of the Barbaroslar Akdeniz'in Kılıcı? Where is it filmed? What time and at what time is TRT 1 being broadcast in the broadcast stream? The answers to all these questions are currently being wondered by the audience. That is why we have prepared for you an informative series of analysis articles with answers to these questions and much more. So you can easily find out about the topics you are interested in. In the series, we have added who is and who is in the list to our article.
Barbaroslar Akdeniz'in Kılıcı Cast
First of all, there are also names that were included in the series later. After the names of the main cast members, we have presented you with the names and roles of all the cast members in a separate list.

The Subject of the Series 'Barbaroslar Akdeniz'in Kılıcı'
The series stars Engin Altan Düzyatan and Ulaş Tuna Astepe.
The series describes the life of the famous sailor Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha and his brothers, known as the first captain pasha of the Ottoman Empire and captain-i derya.
The series about the four brothers coming out of Lesbos, facing dangers and becoming conquerors of the seas; Sipahi Yakup Agha's four sons Isaac, Fasting, Khizir and Elijah show the adventure of turning into Barbaros brothers.
General Summary
Hayreddin Pasha, the captain of the state, ensured Ottoman supremacy in the Mediterranean Sea.
The greatest supporter of Oruç Reis, who dominated the entire Mediterranean coast, was his brother Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha.
The real name of Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha is Khizir Reis. He was given the name Hayreddin, which means ”the best of religion", by Sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim for his services to the Ottoman Empire. The name Barbaros, on the other hand, actually belongs to his older brother Oruç Reis; however, it was also used by Hayreddin Pasha after his death.
The reason for giving this name is that the Head of the Fast and his other brothers have beards that turn red: Barba means ”beard”; rossa means ”red”.
The brothers named Isaac, Fasting, Khizir and Elijah, who are the four brothers of Sipahi Yakup Agha, lead a beautiful and peaceful life in Lesbos.
When the boys grow up well and become adults, one day Fasting and Elijah succumb to their desire to go to sea and leave Lesbos together.
Despite how much Isaac the Elder, their brother, tried to prevent them from these passions, he did not succeed.
Fasting and Elijah the Great; They have lived in Alexandria, far from Lesbos, for many years and have constantly opened up to the seas.
Isaac Reis, on the other hand, is engaged in pottery, trying to stay in Lesbos and stay away from sea life.
On the other hand, Hızır Reis, who has been traveling in the seas for a long time, returns to Mytilene to his older brother.
But Khizir is also a passionate person about the seas, just like his brothers Fasting and Elijah.
Shortly after returning to Lesbos, he goes to Kalimnos Island by boat.
Where Are The Barbaroslar Akdeniz'in Kılıcı Series?
The Barbaroslar 1. 2. 3. Watch A Full One-Piece Episode
The Barbaroslar 2. Watch Full Episodes
The Barbaroslar 3. Watch The Episode In One Piece
Analysis of the Barbaroslar Series
Episodes of the series are viewed by an average of about ten million people via YouTube. However, this number is expected to increase even more. The official YouTube channel of the series, which began airing on a zero YouTube channel, has 317,000 subscribers at the time of this article's preparation. She also currently has 133,000 followers on her Instagram page.
All The Actors And Roles Of The Series Barbaros
- Engin Altan Düzyatan – Oruç Reis
- Ulaş Tuna Astepe – Hızır Reis (Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa)
- Yiğit Özşener – Pietro
- Pelin Akil – Isabel
- Melis Babadağ – Zeynep
- Gülcan Arslan – Despina
- Yetkin Dikinciler – İshak Reis
- Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu – Derviş
- Devrim Evin -Antuan
- İsmail Filiz – Kılıçoğlu
- Caner Topçu – İlyas Reis
- Mehmet Atay – Kılıç Bey
- Mehmet Ali Kaptanlar – Yorgo
- Ümit Çırak – Slyvio
- Armağan Oğuz – Radko
- Serpil Özcan – Asiye
- Tolga İskit – Cafer
- Doruk Nalbantoğlu – Gülletopuk
- Murat Göçmez – Horozcu
- Batuhan Bayar – Niko
- Sedat Mert – Misket
- Uğur Karabulut – Hekim Giovanni
- Gökay Müftüoğlu – Diego
- Nezir Çınarlı – Hayrabay
- Eren Demirbaş – Müneccim
- Tolga Akkaya – Yareli Hasan
- Gökhan Gencebay – Bülbül
- Yaşar Bayram Gül – Musa
- Asya Kasap – Adelina
- Selçuk Veysel – Zurnazanlı Esircibaşı
- Ali Murat Altunmeşe – Golem
- Miraç Sözer – Hamza
- Ozan Bingöl – Şehzade Murad
- Hürcan Sürmeli – Esteban
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