BERAT RÜZGAR ÖZKAN Biography! Family - Parents - Wikipedia - Age

 Who is Yusuf in the Emanet sequence? Who is Berat Rüzgar Özkan by his real name? How old is? Who are his parents? Where are his parents from? How much does Berat Rüzgar Ozkan earn? The answers to all these questions are searched for in search engines by those who watch Decoy series. The biography and Wikipedia information of the little player are being investigated. For this reason, we have prepared an article containing the answers to the questions whose answers you are interested in. Here is the life of Berat Rüzgar Özkan!

Who is Berat Rüzgar Özkan? Who is Yusuf in the Emanet Sequence?

Berat Rüzgar Özkan is a child actor.

He was born on September 16, 2014 in Istanbul.

He continues his primary school education.

in 2019, he has appeared in Ozmo, Molfix, Philips Vacuum Cleaner and Opel commercials.

In the same year, he starred in the film Holy Fight.

having appeared in Enza and Beko commercials in 2020, little talent had her first series experience with the Trust series that started on Kanal 7 in 2020.

She has been in the main cast of the series since the first episode.

He appears with the character of Yusuf in the TV series Emanet.

The series has moved to its second season and she is still acting in the series.

She has also recently appeared in English Home commercials.

Her Zodiac Sign, Height And Weight

Hande Aytar continues his career by registering with the agency.

He is from the sign of Virgo. he is 1.20 tall and weighs 20 pounds.

Who Are the Parents Of  Yusuf in The Series Of Emanet?

The parents also manage the social media accounts of the little player, whose mother and father's names are Meral and Mesut Özkan.

At the time of this writing, he has 64,000 followers on his Instagram account. The number of followers of the tiny star is constantly increasing. It is expected that this number will continue to increase as new episodes of the TV series air.

The Instagram Address of the Emanet Series Yusuf – Berat Rüzgar Özkan

Despite the fact that she is underage, she has lovers from all over the world due to her series of Emanet.

How much does Berat Rüzgar Özkan earn? a large number of search queries are performed on various search engines. dec. dec. How much child actors earn in our country,for no reason is known, it is always wondered. But it is not possible to obtain clear information. It was also not possible to obtain information about where his family was originally from.

Instagram Address


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