Who is ŞENAY GÜRLER (KALP YARASI AZADE) Age - Series - Height And Weight - Biography

 He also continues to make his name with Kalp Yarası players, which are one of the best-rated series of recent times. The lives of the actors featured in the series are often explored by viewers these days. One of the players whose life is most curious is Şenay Gürler. Who are the viewers decimating the heartache in search engines? Who is Şenay Gürler by his real name? How old is she? Where is he originally from? Who is the wife? Who is the lover? Search engines are searching for numerous question phrases such as Dec. Also the series and films he has played to date. Horoscope, height and weight. Twitter and Instagram address. Citizens are currently trying to access all this information extensively. For this reason, we have prepared a biography article that addresses all these issues and contains the answers to the questions you are looking for. Here is the life of Şenay Gürler!

Who Is Şenay Gürler? How Old Is?

He is an actor in theatre, advertising, film and TV series.

He is also a presenter and voice actor.

He was born in Izmir on November 26, 1966 to a housewife from Isparta and a tailor father from Adiyaman. He married in 1986 at the request of his parents, but soon decided to divorce in 1987.

From this marriage he had a daughter named Duygu.

He is a graduate of Dokuz September University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Cinema, Television and photography.

As a student, he acted in Izmir Art Theater and sang in TRT.

He also prepared a thesis film called Shadows and played himself in this film.

He moved to Istanbul in 1993.

Height And Weight

Şenay Gürler is 1.58 meters tall and 55 kilograms Sagittarius.

His Lover Is Semih Sayginer.

Series And Movies

To date, he has acted in numerous series and films. Mucize, İlk Aşk, Çinliler Geliyor, Korkuyorum Anne, Döngel Karhanesi, Kaçak Gelinler, Görüş Günü Kadınları, Kolej Günlüğü, Hayat Devam Ediyor, Küçük Sırlar, Çemberin Dışında, Yeni Baştan, Acemi Cadı, Biz Size Aşık Olduk, Şansa Bak, Eyvah Kızım Büyüdü, Kara Melek, İkinci Bahar, Çılgın Bediş, Sahte Dünyalar, Kaygısızlar and Kış Güneşi in numerous productions, such as .

He has become an actor known to large audiences, especially for his Çılgın Bediş and Avrupa Yakası series.

’ Acemi Cadı ' and the İkinci Bahar, such as series have also gained a place in the audience's memory.

Azade Sancakzade gives life to the character in the series called Kalp Yarası, which is currently being broadcast on atv screens.

Who Is Kalp Yarası Azade?

His love for Adnan is an obsessive devotion. Want to know each step. All he trusts is the job. His best friend is Zümrüt Varoğlu, whom he calls Kader. She's the daughter of a powerful family with its roots firmly in the ground.⁣

A Shahmeran who is poison to some and healing to others.⁣

He believes that there are two types of people; those who follow life and those who live it without fear!⁣

A woman with “greatness” as her name is Azade...⁣

Instagram And Twitter Address

It continues to participate in new projects as registered with the Günal Management Agency.

At the time of writing, the Twitter account had 39,500 followers.

The Blue click Instagram account also has 88,100 followers.

These numbers are also expected to increase rapidly as episodes of the heart wound series progress.

Twitter https://twitter.com/senaygurler

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/senay_gurler/

Starring Serials

İyi Günde Kötü Günde, 2020

Adı Efsane, 2017


Kış Güneşi, 2016

Kaçak Gelinler, 2014

Görüş Günü Kadınları, 2013

Hayat Devam Ediyor, 2011-2013

Kolej Günlüğü, 2011

Küçük Sırlar, 2010-2011

Küstüm Çiçeği, 2010

Papatyam, 2010

Yeni Baştan, 2009

Çemberin Dışında, 2008

Acemi Cadı, 2006

Avrupa Yakası, 2004-2009

Şansa Bak, 2004

Biz Size Aşık Olduk, 2002

Cinlerle Periler, 2001

Kör Talih, 2001

Delikanlı, 2000

Eyvah Kızım Büyüdü, 2000

İkinci Bahar, 1999

Kara Melek, 1996

Çılgın Bediş, 1996

Sahte Dünyalar, 1995

Kaygısızlar, 1994

Films Starring

Mucize 2: Aşk, 2019

Kırık Kalpler Bankası,2015

Kasap Havası, 2015

Kırık Kalpler Bankası, 2015

Mucize, 2014

Gitme Baba, 2013

Çinliler Geliyor, 2006

İlk Aşk, 2006

Döngel Karhanesi, 2005

Korkuyorum Anne, 2004


Motion Picture Writers Association Award For Best Supporting Actress (2006)

3.International Izmir Artemis Film Festival Best Producer Actress Award (2020 Miracle Love 2)





Garanti Bank


Where Did All The Flowers Go, 2017

Insiders, 2014-Izmir Art Theatre

Lost, 2012-Craft Theatre

War Will Be Released In The Second Act, 2007 - Istanbul State Theatre

The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband, 2006-Aysa Production Theatre

Think Full, Talk Empty, 2003-Game Workshop

Ermişler or sinners, 2002-Play workshop

It's A Good Thing To Live, Brother-New Theater

In The Park-Aksanat Production Theatre

We Do Not Pay What Will Not Be Paid – Izmir Art Theatre


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