ÇGH 2 Who Is CİHAN TALAY? How Old Is She? Biography

 There are many curious topics about Cihan Talay, who is among the BKM Mutfak actors and is often mentioned in the name of his acting performances in sketches. How did Cihan Talay become famous, who managed to attract attention in ÇGHB 2 program with his unique attitude and practical answers? How old is she? From where? Who is the wife? Height, sign and weight. Twitter and Instagram address. There are many similar queries searched in search engines. For this reason, we have prepared a biography article about the successful player, where you can also find more details.

Who Is Cihan Talay?

Cihan Talay, who is among the second generation players and was chosen as captain, has an interesting life story. From inside the public and from a family of artisans, the actor managed to win the hearts of the audience from the first moments when he appeared on screen with his sincere sentences. Who is Cihan Talay who is in the minds with his unique body language and speaking style?

ÇGHB 2 Where Is Cihan Talay From?

Cihan Talay was born on December 24, 1984 in Eminonu, Istanbul, at the Artisan Hospital.

Çankirili on the mother's side and Kırklareli on the father's side.

Her father is a textile worker, and her mother is a retired housewife.

He lives in Zeytinburnu.

He has been working with Yilmaz Erdogan for about 5 years.

Married? Who Is The Wife?

The name of Cihan Talay's wife, who is married, is Sabile Bilgin Talay.

Talay, who is 1.82 in height, weighs 78 pounds and is Capricorn. He actively uses social media. At the time of writing, The Post had 14,600 followers on Twitter. Blue click official Instagram account has 128,000 followers. He continues his active career by registered with the stand Talents Management Agency.

Twitter address https://twitter.com/chantlay

Instagram address https://www.instagram.com/talaycihan/

How Did He Become Famous?

Cihan Talay's first steps into acting were very different from other actors and artists.

His story started when he went to see a Stand up show one day.

In 2016, when he was among those watching the show laughing, he said, ‘If you're not laughing, you come and do it and we'll laugh,’ and he took the stage and broke the audience with laughter.

That's how he started his stage life.…

For many years, he filled the eye with his performances at improvisational theater, open mic and Comedy Nights.

Cihan Talay, who was regularly on the roster of the Güldür Güldür Show for a while, met BKM in 2016.

Since then, he has been working with Yılmaz Erdoğan in the BKM Mutfak team. He says his intention is to pass on what he has learned in the BKM school to future generations.

Movies And TV Series

Burada Laf Çok 2011
Güldür Güldür Show 2016
Sen Kiminle Dans Ediyorsun 2017
Çok Aramızda 2018
Organize İşler: Sazan Sarmalı 2019
Çok Güzel Hareketler 2. Kuşak 2019-2021


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