Cast And Subject Of The Series AŞKIN TARİFİ!

 New series (Aşkın Tarifi) Recipe For Love on what channel? So who are the players? What Is The Subject? When does it begin? At what time? Where is it filmed? For answers to all these questions and more, we have prepared an article for you. In addition, we have added a video to our article to describe it visually. Let's also remind you that we can update our article when we are aware of new developments. We welcome your comments and feedback. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel, we would appreciate it.

Description of love and its players

The Subject's Description In The New Series Of Love

The summer series, which heralded the arrival of summer, gradually began to take its place on screens.

One of those shows is the (Aşkın Tarifi) Recipe For Love.

Where Is It Filmed?

The series, in which most of its filming took place in Gaziantep and Istanbul, is slightly different from other summer series in one aspect.

In the recipe of love, the audience can follow the story of the series and witness the creation of delicious dishes.

NTC Media produced The Love Recipe (Aşkın Tarifi) Series, which tells the exciting love story of a Gaziantep chef who specializes in French cuisine, and Mehmet Yiğit Alp took over the production.

While Deniz Koloş is sitting in the director's chair, Birsel Çıkıncı is the creative producer of the project.

Leyla Oter and Doruk Erengül write the script for the series.


Starring Kadir Doğulu and Serra Arıtürk, the cast of the series includes Cem treat, Alper attacking, Jasmine Tempe, Ummü Putgül, Idil Sivritepe, Atakan Yilmaz, Elif Melda Yilmaz, Mehmet Şeker, Deniz Gürkan, Gökhan Niğdeli, Selim Akgül, Onur Yakıcı and Batuhan Bayır.

What Will Happen In The New Episodes?

The subject of the (Aşkın Tarifi) Recipe For LOVE series is as follows:;

Fırat, a kebab master in his own state, wants to teach a lesson to the famous life coach Doctor Aşk, who plays with his fate.

Euphrates's journey, in anger, drags him to a French restaurant.

Gaziantep Euphrates, a good chef in French cuisine in the past, regains the cuisine he is passionate about; thanks to the owner of the restaurant, beautiful Naz Soyluer, he also meets True Love.

Fırat chef, a food wizard who blends Eastern and Western cuisines, is one of the recipes that will surprise everyone

he'll know it's not.

Can Euphrates, who goes on an indescribable love journey, give Doctor Love A "Love lesson"?

Or will he hunt on his way to the hunt?

Will Euphrates be able to find a recipe for love, or is there a recipe for Love?

Of course, the answers to these questions will emerge as the episodes progress.

When Does It Begin?

The June menemen eating scene in the promotional video and the series, which has been widely talked about on social media, is expected to begin in June.


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