Watch The Latest And New Episodes Of The Masumlar Apartmani! The Players And The Subject

 You can watch the final and new episode of the innocent apartment series in the video below. Our article will be updated every week as the new episode airs. We also recommend that you check out our analysis article about the series.

A weekly television series called the apartment of innocents began broadcasting on Trt screens on September 15, 2020. The director of the series, whose production is owned by Ogm media, is Çağrı Vila LOSTUVALI, Çiğdem BOZALI and ENDER MIHLAR.

In the drama genre adapted from gulseren BUDAYICIOGLU ‘s novel “inside the coin”, the series stars Birkan SOKULLU, Farah Zeynep ABDULLAH, Merve DIZDAR and Ezgi MOLA. Deniz MADANOĞLU and Rana MAMATLIOĞLU are the screenwriters of the series.

Watch The Latest Episode Of The Innocent Apartment

Safiye and Gulben, two obsessed sisters, live in the same house. Safiye did not see enough love from her mother when she was young compared to her sister, and she could not overcome the effect of this situation for a long time. Khan, the only brother in the house, lives in the same house with his brothers ' fathers.

Khan's only goal in this world is to provide for his family, which he wants to be faithful to for a lifetime, and to take them all under one roof under his wing.
As soon as he sees the Pearl, Khan's life changes and he takes on a different dimension. He falls in love at first sight. He can't take himself away from the Pearl, he can't tear himself away, he dreams of being happy for a lifetime. As a child, Khan always suffered pain, experienced traumas, acquired his own behavior. He longs for everything that belongs to the old, to the past, and constantly accumulates his belongings. He has a nostalgic character. He also wants to have the Pearl forever, and he can't save himself from this feeling.

Neriman, the younger daughter of the family, is a grumpy and grumpy girl who enjoys making others suffer. He shares a house with his sister, Pearl, who is also a radio host. As a result of an unfortunate accident, he got to know Han, got married and entered the earth house together. But the Pearl can't find peace. Because he hates the men in his life, especially his father. His ex-fiancée civilized also gets more than his share of this hatred. He approaches his grandfather's protectionist movements with an extremely mature attitude.

Pearl makes a sudden marriage decision, thinking that it will cure all these negatives and troubles in her life, and seeks happiness and peace in the World house she entered with Han. I wonder how long these two Han and Pearl can be life partners to each other and face the challenges they face?


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