'My left side' ( SOL YANIM ) series cast names, horoscopes, height, weight, hometown and lovers

 'My left side' ( SOL YANIM ) series cast names, horoscopes, height, weight, hometown and lovers.

My left side Series, broadcast on Star Tv screens, continues to be followed by viewers with interest. The cast of the series is quite crowded. For this reason, players ' names are often searched on the internet. In addition, players ' physical characteristics, such as height and weight, are often wondered. It is even wondered how much the clothes the players wear cost and what brand they are. A lot of detailed information, such as horoscopes and hometowns, is also searched by viewers in search engines. So, which actors portray which characters in the TV series My Left Side? Who's who on the show? As a series analysis site for you, we analyzed all these topics. If you want, you can also learn about these topics in the video below.

Where's My Left Side?

Where's my left side, in what city? Where's North University on my left side?

It is known that the filming of the series left side took place at BKM Studios in Istanbul.

Who Are The Players On My Left Side? Complete List Of Character Names

I Cast The Left Side

The left side series is a series that has been featured under the name Ozge Yağız, who was famous for the oath series, which was previously broadcast on Channel 7 screens. The cast of the series features young cast members. But claims that he will make an early series finale are often raised, since his ratings have not gone very well so far. However, it cannot be ruled out that a significant audience is watching the series. Currently, his videos posted on his YouTube channel are usually viewed over 1 million times. Those who have watched the series not make a finale are putting their best efforts into it on social media. Even so, a lot of people, when is my left side going to make the final? How many episodes will it take? and he can't stop thinking.

My left side YouTube channel address https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgcj826q9u4ırnlfdov9msw 

The Subject Of The Left Side Sequence

’ My left side ' will introduce the audience to Serra, who learned to stand on his own two feet at a young age and took care of his mother, and Selim, the heir to the wealthy Kutlusay family. In contrast to Serra and his mother's modest neighborhood life, the Kutlusay estate and the family's glamorous luxury life will be central to the story. A very successful student, Serra studied on a scholarship, Selim continued almost out of necessity, and the Northern University, which is their own, will offer fun and exciting stories about university life. The striking styles of the young players of the squad will start a new trend among young people....

Production: BKM director: Serdar Gözelekli producer: Necati Akpınar screenplay: Melis Civelek – Özlem Çadırcı General Coordinator: Berk Akman practitioner producer: Ilkim Dağlı music: Alp Yenier cinematographer: Tahir live art director: Tolga Coşkuntuna

Starring: Ozge Yağız Tolga Mendi Cemre Baysel Emre Bey Defne Samyeli Cansel Elçin Esra Bezen Bilgin Deniz Barut Taner Rumeli Seda Akman Benian Dönmez Feyza Civelek Tuğçe Açıkgöz Ecem Atalay Ergül Miray Şahin Emre Dinler Oktay Çubuk Alayna Şen Yavuz Pekdiker Demet Genç Haydar Koyel Celal Tak Murat Balci Özgür Cem Tuğluk Efe Taşdelen Ayşe Kırca Hasret Usneker

'My left side' ( SOL YANIM ) series cast names, horoscopes, height, weight, hometown and lovers


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