You Steal My Door 19th Episode Trailer

 You Steal My Door 19. The trailer for the episode was released! Another episode of you knock on my door is behind us. All Right, Knock On My Door, 19. What's going to happen in the episode? We have prepared a series of analysis articles for you.

Will the EDA and Serkan tension end? Does Eda find out the truth about her family? What about Efe's new plan ? All and more, you knock on my door in our analysis article.

You Steal My Door 19 Episode Trailer

Even though You Play Gate continues to be watched from different countries of the world, it started to have difficulties in the rating race as the new series started. Final bells for the series can ring anytime.

In the last episode, the tension between Eda and Selin started again and Eda started to get jealous of Serkan again, just like in the first episodes. On the other hand, while Eda and Serkan are away from each other again, the audience is upset that Aydan Hanım stepped out thanks to Eda, which delighted the audience.

Eda is good for everyone and Serkan will realize this once again and regret the bad words he said to Eda. As the audience, he seems to want Eda to learn the facts and not to prolong this issue any longer.

Screenwriters can now take this issue into consideration. Eda can learn the facts in the new chapter. It seems likely that this event will be covered after a few episodes, and the very romantic scenes of Eda and Serkan are at the door.

Although Serkan wants to talk to Eda to tell the truth in the new episode, Eda cannot learn these facts from Serkan.

will learn from someone else and thus once again be shocked. He will ask Eda Serkan to account for not telling him this all this time. However, this issue does not even distance Eda and Serkan from each other as expected. Because the negligence in the death of Eda's family is not the fault of Serkan's family. It's the fault of the company they gave this construction to. Of course, Alptekin should not have left the construction alone, but still what happened.


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