Legacy 46. Episode Trailer! Backstage Footage

 Safety 46. Episode Trailer! What Will Happen In The New Episode?

Episode 46-What Will Happen On November 9? Will Yaman be able to open his feelings to Seher? As a series analysis site, we analyzed it for you.

Safety New Behind-The-Scenes Images

9 in the safety sequence. The week is behind us. In the new episode, Yaman makes a big move for Yusuf. Yaman, who did not do his best to avoid losing Yusuf, took Yusuf this time and went to a separate house. Zuhal and Iqbal stated in our previous analysis that their plans would be deciphered.

Episode 46

What's Iqbal And Zuhal's New Plan?

Iqbal and Zuhal will of course not stand empty in this process and continue to establish new plans. Iqbal realized that he could no longer use Yusuf and that Yaman cared very much about Yusuf . His other target will be Seher. Iqbin's plans will have no effect on the dawn. Because he cares so much about the night.

Safety Sequence (General Analysis)

In the new episodes of the escrow series, there will be movements from the Yaman Seher pair. It will be time alone.


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