Call My Agent, Aydin Dec. Who is The İDEAL BEREN KOTAN?

 Who is Aydin, the brother of Barış in the TV series Call my manager Dec? Who is the Ideal Beran Kotan, where is he from? How old is she? Series he has played to date. Horoscope, height and weight. Twitter and Instagram address. Agency. Biography.

(If you want ,you can also access this biography article in the form of visual and audio narration via Serhat Uzunkök YouTube video if you say that I do not bother to read it)ı 

Biography Of Ideal Beran Kotan

Who Is The Ideal Beran Kotan? Starring Serials

Ideal Beran Kotan was born on 18 January 1992.

He is a graduate of Dokuz September University Faculty of Fine Arts, acting department.

After completing the University with a first place, the actress performed in various theater plays and first appeared in a documentary film called Every Picture An Idea, which was made by TRT in 2018.

Then the Show gave life to its Cetin character in the series “collision”, which aired on Tv screens.

Finally, he played the character of Aydin in the TV series Decimatorimimi Ara, which aired on Star TV screens.

In his spare time, he is mostly interested in the sport of fencing and loves to play basketball.

Among the player's abilities, playing the piano, skiing and swimming are also quite ambitious in Latin dances.

The Ideal Beran Kotan, who continues his career as a registered agent of Cem Tatlıtuğ, is 1.82 cm tall, 78 kilograms and Capricorn.

He uses Twitter and Instagram, though not very often. As of the time of this article, he has about 6400 followers on his Instagram account.

Twitter address

Instagram address


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