Who is George Soros? Biography - Life

Who is George Soros? Biography - Life 

Who is George Soros, how old is he from where and what is he doing.

(Birth Schwartz György, August 12, 1930) Hungarian-American billionaire, investor and philanthropist.
George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930 as the son of a Jewish family.
When his country was under Nazi invasion in 1939, he had very dangerous and difficult days with his family.
His father helped them survive by arranging fake IDs for all family members and constantly changing the place they live.
He emigrated to England in 1947 and studied economics at the School of Economist at Oxford University.
When he was a porter to earn a living in England, he was treated at a public hospital when his foot was broken.
He learned by experiencing the importance of the state's help to the poor, that is, social justice.
He learned macroeconomics in the school he studied.
He also became a student of Karl Popper, who was very impressed and inspired by the "Open Society" project he will implement in the future.
He emigrated to the USA in 1956. His first job was arbitrage transactions.
That is, he bought a stock or currency from where it was cheap and simultaneously sold it in expensive place.
In a short time, he made an advance in the financial world. Thanks to the international investment fund he established, he became the owner of a great fortune.
George Soros is the head of Soros Fund Management LLC, Quantum Fund Group's chief investment advisor.
This fund has been recognized as the highest performing investment fund in the world in its 28-year history.
Received the honorary doctorate degree from New School of Social Research, Budapest University of Echonomics, Oxford University and Yale University, in 1995, the university's biggest honor title, “Laurea Honoris,” due to his work on creating open societies worldwide. Casua ”.
Soros is also the founder of Central European University in Budapest and the International Science Foundation in Moscow.

As of May 10, 2020, it was calculated that his net worth was $ 8.3 billion, and he has donated more than $ 32 billion to Open Society Foundations to date.

For the first time, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania…), which were quite poor compared to Western Europe, made their name by making the biggest financial aid of all time alone. His aid is greater than financial aid from large organizations such as the United Nations.

Many writers and famous names describe him as "philanthropist" because of these activities of Soros. On the contrary, there are also authors who claim that they did their help to control the socio-political system of those countries. Soros is against these claims and the question marks in the head: "The only reason I am accused of these colorful revolutions is Russian propaganda. I support such processes all over the world. We are doing it now in Liberia, we can do it in Nepal." He defended himself and accepted such actions. He also told a Russian radio in 2006 that he financially supported the Rose Revolution in Georgia in 2003.

He states that Karl Popper, who was his teacher during his student at the London School of Economics in England, was very influenced by the open society philosophy and this effect contributed to the formation of values ​​systematic in his life such as infallibility, insight, thinking and open society. This value indicates that it is very successful in financial markets with its systematic. Soros, who is clear with George W. Bush, declared that Bush has abused the name of the capitalist, open economies around the world and mostly restricted the movement of non-governmental organizations organized by him.

Soros is the founder of the Open Society Institute. Soros's Open Society Institute's branch in Turkey nude baby in September 2001 established OSIAF (Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation) 't. In 2002, about two weeks before the start of the Iraq war and he has visited the Sabanci University in an interview: "Turkey is the best export product, due to its strategic military location." He said.


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