Who is Refika Birgül?

We are here with a detailed biography of Refika Birgül containing unknown information. Where did he graduate from? Who is chief Refika and where is she from? How old is Refika and what sign is she? How did he start cooking? You can find answers to many such questions in our article. If you wish, let's get to the details immediately before you wait any longer.

Refika İle Test Mutfağı Sunucusu Refika Birgül İnstagram

(This biography article can also be found as a video)

Refika Birgül, who describes herself as someone who works day and night to popularize and improve the cuisine of her home country, with her smiling face and excitement
he is someone who can pass his positive energy to people from all walks of life.
Due to the roots of the family he came from, he dominates both Mediterranean and Anatolian cuisine.

How did he start cooking?

He decides to cook when he can't eat good food and starts making his own food. The sense of taste is very advanced but dyslexia because of his discomfort, he is unable to cook over other people's recipes. Perhaps this aspect of him has been a major factor in his rise to the highest level of creativity. Especially the quick recipes he gives are very popular.

The Young Cut Loves It!

Refika Birgül, in her cooking, with her creativity, makes the local ingredients, which have been forgotten and lost their importance, her chief crown.
On the one hand it preserves the traditions of our rich culinary culture, on the other hand it breaks taboos and reveals new recipes..
Although everyone remembers him with his recipes, when you listen carefully to his conversation for a while, you may feel that he can hold the pulse of the young people very well and that he is a different person with his perspective on life.

Is there an official Instagram and YouTube channel? How to reach?
The famous name uses social media very actively. As of the moment this article was prepared, his official Instagram account has 976 thousand followers.

The toutube channel in particular receives a lot of attention. He posts 2 new recipe videos 2 days a week on his YouTube channel called Refika's kitchen.

Refika Birgül'ün resmi YouTube Kanalı

It offers easy, practical but also delicious recipes to its subscribers. The total monitoring of videos on the channel opened on 21 November 2013 has reached 152 million as of the moment this article was prepared and the number of subscribers on the channel is exactly 1 million 390 thousand.

Refika's Kitchen named ( refikaninmutfagi.com ) has its own website.
He is a co-founder of the brand Refika and also occasionally does television programming.

Refika İle Test Mutfağı Sunucusu Refika Birgül web sitesi

Who is Chef Refika Birgül and Where Is she from? Where did he graduate from?

Refika Birgül was born on 19 May 1980 in Istanbul. He's a Taurus. Birgül, who was from Cyprus by his mother and Nevşehir by his father, was born into a family of doctors.

Birgül continued his primary education at Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver Primary School in Yeşilköy and completed his high school education at Robert College. Refika Birgül, who was very involved in black and white photography in those years, created a different dance project by combining mathematics and physics. Birgül completed his undergraduate studies at Koç University Department of Psychology. Birgül,who later went to London, also studied leadership at the London Business School. While continuing his university education, Birgül worked at Medina Turgul advertising agency, which is owned by Yavuz Turgul, decided to leave school by wanting to become an advertising agent. Refika Birgül abandoned this decision after the 1999 Marmara earthquake and the economic crisis.
Birgül founded his own business in the area of VoIP ( voice over internet protocol), after graduating from university, he worked in the Organization Department of the Istanbul Independent Films Festival and the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV).
Later, Refika Birgül, who worked at Özel Doğan Hospital, became senior manager and general manager.

Refika Birgül's first enthusiasm for the kitchen began by making Turkish coffee with plenty of foam. Birgül learned Mediterranean and Central Anatolian cuisine from his elders, and his taste improved even more when he went to London to visit relatives.

Looking for unusual flavors, Birgül has set up a unique algorithm for dishes. Refika Birgül, who lived in Kuzguncuk, needed a workshop after removing books. The Greek architect turned a building that was the work of Simotas and which had been locked for 30 years into a workshop.

In 2011, Birgül came before the audience with “Arçelik'le miracle flavors” program on NTV and was awarded the “Best Visual Media” Award by Anadolu folk Cuisine Association.

Refika Birgül was awarded “Best Food Program of the year” by Boğaziçi University gastronomy and Degutation Club.

In 2013, he won the “best TV chef” award at the time out Istanbul food and Drink Awards.
Again in 2013, he founded the brand called Refika with his partner Bahar Kitapci and www.refikadan.com he sells manual labor products over the internet.

El emeği ürünlerinin satışını yaptığı web sitesi.

In 2014, she appeared on Star Tv screens with The Miracle flavors program again with her smiling face and dishes.
Turkish and English language Refika's Kitchen/Cooking new Istanbul Style book was published in 2010. The book sold no more than 1.5 months after it was published.
”Recipes with NAR” in 2013, ”Quick Recipes from Refika” in 2015, and ”the magic of whistling with Fissler” in 2016 brought the books together with readers curious about their recipes. He also published a periodical column in the daily Hurriyet.
In the corner devoted to her every week, she not only shared her recipes, she brought up issues relevant to our food culture through everyday life.
He gave recipes on food and life.
In 2018, she started at 24kitchen with Refika and continued her return to Essence program in 2019 on Fox TV where she was also a guest of celebrities with recipes content program.

From 1 May 2020, the Show was on TV screens with Refika as a Test Kitchen Program, meeting the audience every weekday at 14:45.

He recently started presenting the program” hometown treasures with Refika". On Sunday at 13.00 the Show airs on TV.


  1. Regina is female, right!! So the pronoun is she/her, not he/his


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