Who Is Murat Soner And Where Is He From? Married?

Who is Murat Soner, known for his films and series analysis videos, and how old is he? Where from? Married? What is Instagram and YouTube address? The details are in our biography post.

Who Is Murat Soner?

In this article we will talk about Murat Soner.

The biggest reason Murat Soner is the subject of this article is undoubtedly his YouTube channel.

The famous name has been doing cinema and series reviews on his YouTube channel. The series reviews, which he published in a particularly entertaining way, are getting a lot of attention.

The total viewing of the videos he has broadcast so far on his channel which he opened on January 11, 2010 as of the moment this article was prepared

it reached about 76 million. 1 year of intense video throwing and the number of subscribers has reached 700 thousand.

At first he started shooting videos in a room of his old house and now he's making videos in a studio he's setting up on the lower floor of his new house.

He is married and father of a daughter Murat Soner has been a radio programming name for many years in the past.

He made his name mentioned at that time, especially with his phone jokes.

He was busy for a long time with Show schedule and poetry programs.

He even worked as an advertising and news anchor on the radio.

Later, as the radio industry weakened, he gradually focused on YouTube.

Nowadays YouTuber as well as voice-over.

He also advises Youtube channels.

At first, he used to video and upload his jokes on his radio show on his YouTube channel.

Over time, he began to criticize the series and films regularly, and those who followed him increased.

He also occasionally makes series and film recommendations.

In fact, Murat Soner had another channel before, other than the YouTube channel he had opened under his own name and was known to everyone.

There is no immediate success as it is thought.

Murat Soner previously tried a children's channel and the children's channel he owned was up to 2 million 100 thousand subscribers.

Then he left this channel.

When he criticised Cem Yılmaz's film, Cem Yılmaz called him’ kubcak'.

In fact, the image of the series and films he criticizes seems to be tarnishing

people start to wonder and research the series and films he tells, and we think this benefits the productions he talks about in his videos.

And let's give him another piece of information. Murat Soner also made his acting debut in a series called Cheat.

Born in Istanbul, he spent his childhood in Samsun and is from Samsun. He loves animals and is also a classic car enthusiast.

He lived in Canada with his family for 2 years, but returned to Turkey due to the negative events he experienced.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the famous name of his own website as of the moment this article was prepared

His Instagram account also has close to 82 thousand followers.

Instagram address https://www.instagram.com/muratsoner/

YouTube address https://www.youtube.com/user/deejaymuson

You can also watch this biography in video if you wish


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